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This is where our students are headed… To get here, students will be challenged here in “Freshman English.” They may even struggle a bit – some for the.

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Presentation on theme: "This is where our students are headed… To get here, students will be challenged here in “Freshman English.” They may even struggle a bit – some for the."— Presentation transcript:

1 This is where our students are headed… To get here, students will be challenged here in “Freshman English.” They may even struggle a bit – some for the first time – and that is OKAY! That is how they will grow and reach their full potential.

2 Welcome to McCullough Junior High Mrs. Brittany Youngblood 7 th Grade Language Arts, Pre-AP

3 Literature The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton (REQUIRED SUMMER READING) This should have been read and annotated prior to the start of school. Students will need the book in class beginning 8/26. Literature Textbook: Grammar Textbook:

4 Literature Students will also need a new or used copy of: Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech→ 2 nd 9 Weeks The Glory Field by Walter Dean Myers 3 rd 9 Weeks A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare (Barron's ed. rec.) → 4 th 9 Weeks

5 In conjunction with the novels… SAT vocabulary and word parts Required Book: Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop, Level B * This workbook will be used all year. A link to the vocabulary site is on my website. FIRST QUIZ: Sept. 9 th Poetry, speeches, scripts, and various pieces of non-fiction Writing Process- formal and informal Mechanics-capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and usage

6 Outside Reading Chosen by the student, approved by the parent 500 pages each quarter Appropriate reading level Book will be regularly incorporated into lessons throughout the year Students must bring an Outside Reading Book to class each day Check my website for suggested reading lists. E-Readers okay

7 Class website… ood/

8 Assessments Assignments will focus on developing critical thinking, reading and writing skills, and study skills that will help students succeed as they continue to move through their educational careers and into the real world. IMPORTANT - There is not a test re-take option in language arts. State Testing STAAR Writing: March 28 STAAR Reading: May 9 Dates are tentative and subject to change. Dates announced by the state are final.

9 Grades McC Grading Policy: The Language Arts Dept. does NOT offer retests. Late Work Major Grade Projects -10 points per day, includes days absent Quiz grades - late work is not accepted for credit Daily grades - late work is not accepted for credit, including homework It's the student's responsibility to check the Absent Binder and ask for help to get caught up after an absence. No locker passes for forgotten work. Check your child’s planner and the class website for the most up-to-date information about homework. Extra credit will NOT be offered.

10 Free Extra Help Advisory: Students may get a pass to see me for extra help Tutoring: Before school everyday except for Friday, no pass needed PAWS: Tuesday – Thursday until 4:45 in the library

11 Electronics Policy All electronics Cell/smart phones, e-readers, ipods, etc... must be turned OFF, not just silenced, between 8:50 and 3:50. ***You’d be surprised how many times a student thinks he or she has silenced the phone and alerts and text notifications come through during class. Situations such as these still require the phone to be turned in to the office and a referral. Possible class activities utilizing smartphones -Students will be in pairs or small groups so all can participate. -If a student takes advantage, he/she will receive the standard consequence (referral, device sent to office)

12 Contacting Mrs. Youngblood Conference: Please contact the Counseling Center if you wish to schedule a parent teacher conference. -Red Days: 12:15-1:30 -Green Days: 12:15-1:30 Email: Website:

13 Parent Access Center 1. 2. Under Parent/Student, click on account registration Stay Informed!! Grades Schedule Attendance Lunch Money STAAR scores Bus schedule And much more!

14 Student tips for a successful year Get a good night's sleep Eat breakfast Listen in class Follow directions Ask questions Write in planner Study on a regular basis Turn in assignments on time

15 CRISS Strategies Creating Independence Through Student-owned Strategies We will practice and use strategies to help in studying, organizing, and presenting. These strategies can be used throughout their learning careers and in all subject areas. In this class, students are expected to select a strategy to independently study assigned vocabulary words outside of class.

16 Thanks for coming Parent-Teacher communication is very important for student success. I want to see your kids succeed!

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