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The Critical Angle and Total Internal Reflection.

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Presentation on theme: "The Critical Angle and Total Internal Reflection."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Critical Angle and Total Internal Reflection

2 Recall: Refraction Refraction: The bending of light as it passes from one medium into another.

3 Recall: Refraction


5 Recall: Snell’s Law

6 Dispersion Refraction of white light into seperate colours. Different colours travel at different speeds and have a different n value.

7 The Critical Angle (  c ) The angle of incidence where the light refracts along the boundary between the two mediums. sin  R = 90 o.

8 Total Internal Reflection Complete reflection of light back into the first medium. Light does not refract into the second medium.

9 Total Internal Reflection Two conditions must be met: – Light must be travelling from a more optically dense to a less optically dense medium. n1 > n2 – Angle of incidence (  i ) is greater than the critical angle (  c ).

10 Practice Problems What is the angle of refraction for light travelling from a diamond (n=2.42) to air (n=1.00) with an angle of incidence of 60°? n 1 = 2.42  1 = 60° n 2 = 1.00  2 = ? Sin  2 = n 1 sin  1  Sin  2 = 2.42sin60 n 2 1.00 Sin  2 = 2.096   2 = sin -1 (2.096)  ERROR!

11 Practice Problems What is the critical angle for light travelling from a diamond (n=2.42) to air (n=1.00)? n 1 = 2.42  2 = 90° n 2 = 1.00  c = ?(in your equation, treat this as  1 ) Sin  c = n 2 sin  2  Sin  c = 1.00sin90 **sin90 = 1 n 1 2.42 Sin  c = 1.00   c = sin -1 (0.413)   c = 24.4 ° 2.42

12 Refraction Applications Rainbows. Mirages. Binoculars. Fibre optic cables. Diamonds. Watch This!!!

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