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How to pass Business Administration Level 2 Instructor: Ms. Evelyn Chen 陳 怡 菁.

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Presentation on theme: "How to pass Business Administration Level 2 Instructor: Ms. Evelyn Chen 陳 怡 菁."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to pass Business Administration Level 2 Instructor: Ms. Evelyn Chen 陳 怡 菁

2 Chapter 4 Procedures & Information

3 Scenario Q 1. Serena Wayne, the Accounting Manager, shockingly discovers that the payment of one order was processed twice. She has assigned Mary York, the Chief Accountant, to come up with a list covering the documents which administrators need to submit when checking invoice for payment and steps which need to be taken before an invoice is approved for payment.

4 The documents required: 1.An estimate or quotation 2.A copy of the original order 3.The goods received note 4.The delivery note

5 The steps need to be taken: 1.Check the invoice against a copy of the order ensuring the quantity, description and prices are correct. 2.Check that any agreed discount has been allowed. 3.Check that the delivery charges have been charged as agreed. 4.Check that the quantity of goods delivered is as stated. 5.Check whether any of the goods were damaged and subsequently returned to the supplier. 6.Check that all the calculations are correct. 7.Check whether this is the first invoice sent- have the goods already been paid for?

6 Scenario Q 2. MEMORANDUM To Office Administrator From Jessica McCarthy, the Admin. Manager Date 23 January 2012 It has been decided that information should be stored using computerized systems instead of manual systems. Please let me have a memo giving the disadvantages of the manual system and the advantages of the computerized system. Thanks JM

7 Pros of a manual system: 1.easy to use once staff is familiar with the method of classification 2.once located the documents can be read straight away 3.once located the documents can be photocopied right away 4.filing cabinets could be a lot cheaper.

8 Cons of a manual system: 1.taking up a lot of floor space 2.cabinets are dangerous if drawers are left open. 3.paper files are a fire hazard 4.paper files may deteriorate if kept in damp condition. 5.very difficult to locate files if they are stored in the wrong place file regularly is a must in order avoid a backlog of filing.

9 Pros of a computerized system: 1.saves space but only if paper copies are not kept. ’ s easy to edit material or update it. 3.if computers are networked, all members of staff have access to info. 4.if files are correctly stored, they are easy to locate.

10 Cons of a computerized system: 1.the equipment could be expensive 2.staff need to be trained to use the equipment 3.insistence on keeping paper copies lead to the waste of paper 4.disks can be corrupted by viruses 5.updated virus scanners need to be purchased and installed regularly won ’ t be retrieved if there is a power cut or a problem with the network 7.if many computers share a printer, there may be a delay in getting printouts 8.the system is improved and updated and may not be compatible with older operating systems.

11 Scenario Q 3. MEMORANDUM To Office Administrator From Jessica McCarthy, the Admin. Manager Date 23 January 2012 I have just been informed that some important data held on computer has been corrupted. Please let me have details by email of how information stored on a computer can be protected. Thanks JM

12 position monitors so that the screen cannot be read by visitors or passers-by if a visitor approaches: scroll up the page quickly, or turn down the brightness control, or switch off the monitor, or save your work and log out don ’ t leave confidential printouts lying around if anyone asks for information, check with your supervisor computers may have an alarm system to warn off potential thieves

13 each user should have his or her own ID and password passwords must be kept confidential, changed frequently, remembered not written down if a USB is suspected of carrying a virus, it must be scanned. If a virus is present, the USB must be wiped clean. Keeping paper copies is necessary. never download strange programs on to your computer.

14 Scenario Q 4. Desk Note I have received complaints from some members of staff that have been unable to find certain files they needed. I have been considering changing our current method of organizing papers and files. Please produce a memo listing pros and cons of 3 methods of classification. (1) The alphabetical system (2) The numerical system (3) The geographical system Thanks Jessica McCarthy, the Admin. Manager

15 Alphabetical filing: Pros: 1.system easy to follow Cons: 1.some letters are seldom used, such as X and Z and others used a lot, such as A and B, causing an uneven spread of files 2.the names of the supplier or customers have to be remembered 3.newcomers may find this system complicated 4.common names make locating an exact file time-consuming.

16 Numerical filing: Pros: 1.can easily be extended- just issue the next number 2.easy to follow and understand 3.only one reference point within an organization. Cons: 1.more time-consuming than alphabetical filing system since index cards have to be referred to 2.if numbers incorrectly filed very difficult to locate a file.

17 Geographical filing: Pros: specific to a particular town, area or country is easily found 2.sales representatives can easily locate info. Concerning firms based in a particular area Cons: 1.requires a good knowledge of geography 2.only appropriate for certain organizations or departments

18 Scenario Q 5. MEMORANDUM To Office Administrator From Jessica McCarthy, the Admin. Manager Date 20 January 2012 I have just been informed by the CEO that our customer list has somehow leaked out. In order to educate staff about the seriousness of security leaks, please produce a memo listing steps to be taken to ensure security of paper-based records. Thanks JM

19 material should be filed right away- should not be left lying on desks filing cabinets should be kept locked office doors and desk drawers should be locked when staff leave office original copies should be removed from the glass plate in the photocopier on completion of copying staff should be made aware that it is not acceptable to discuss organizational business with other members of staff, clients, customers, friends or relatives

20 information and files should be released to authorized members of staff and a signature obtained confidential information being sent by mail either externally or internally should be put in a sealed envelope and marked “ Private & Confidential ” some info. may be so confidential that to ensure its security it may be delivered by a member of staff to the addressee visitors should be escorted to the one whom they are meeting

21 individual passwords should be given to each staff for the purpose of accessing email messages confidential documents should be shredded when they are no longer needed confidential documents should always be carried in a file when being transported between offices in case any sheets are dropped when faxing confidential info., call the addressee prior to faxing so that he or she is waiting at the fax machine to collect it documents should be stored in fireproof cabinets

22 Scenario Q 6. Jessica McCarthy, the Administration Manager, has been informed by the General Manager that lately some important information is not effectively passed on to all staff. Please look into this issue and produce a list covering methods which can be used for routing information through an organization effectively.

23 1.Info. can be photocopied and distributed to all staff using the internal mail system. 2.Bulky documents should have a circulation slip prepared giving the names and departments of all staff who should read the document. The slip should be signed after staff have read the document before they pass it to the next person on the list. 3.Posters can be prepared and displayed on notice boards in all offices. 4.Info. can be included in a memo to all staff and distributed through the internal mail system.

24 5. Info. can be shared at meetings. 6. Info. can be included in a company newsletter. 7. An information sheet is distributed. 8. Meetings to which all members of staff are invited. 9. An email can be sent to all staff.

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