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JUDY GOODWIN, RN, MSN, PMHCNS BLOOMINGTON MEADOWS HOSPITAL AUGUST 31, 2016 Treating Kids Inside and Outside the Classroom.

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Presentation on theme: "JUDY GOODWIN, RN, MSN, PMHCNS BLOOMINGTON MEADOWS HOSPITAL AUGUST 31, 2016 Treating Kids Inside and Outside the Classroom."— Presentation transcript:

1 JUDY GOODWIN, RN, MSN, PMHCNS BLOOMINGTON MEADOWS HOSPITAL AUGUST 31, 2016 Treating Kids Inside and Outside the Classroom

2 THE PROBLEM 1 in 5 kids experience a mental health condition, but only about 20 % actually receive services Mental health problems can disrupt functioning in the home, school and community. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for 15-24 year olds.

3 Schools are Important to Children’s Mental Health Schools play a vital role in promoting physical and mental health, and emotional wellbeing.

4 How can we tell the difference between typical behavior changes and more serious problems? Falls asleep every afternoon Late for school often Frequent suspensions for not following directions in class Temper tantrum Unkempt, disheveled appearance

5 Normal Difficult Behavior Ages 6 to 12 Arguments/fights with siblings/peers Curiosity about Body Parts of males and females Limited Attention Span Worries about being accepted Lying Not taking responsibility for behavior

6 More Serious Issues Ages 6-12 Excessive Aggressiveness Serious Injury to Self or Others Excessive Fears School Refusal/Phobia Fire Fixation/Setting Frequent Excessive or Extended Emotional Reactions Inability to Focus on Activity even for 5 minutes Patterns of Delinquent Behaviors

7 Adolescence: Normal Difficult Behavior Moodiness Less attention and affection towards parents Extremely self-involved Peer Conflicts Worries and stress about relationships Testing Limits Identity Searching/Exploring Substance Use experimentation Preoccupation with sex

8 Cries for Help – Ages 13-18 Sexual promiscuity Suicidal/homicidal ideation Self-mutilation Frequent displays of temper Withdrawal from usual activities Significant change in grades, attitude, hygiene, functioning, sleeping, and/or eating habits

9 Cries for Help – Ages 13-18 (cont.) Delinquency Substance Abuse Excessive fighting and/or aggression (physical and verbal) Inability to cope with day to day activities Lots of somatic complaints (frequent flyers)

10 Anxiety Disorders Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Autism Spectrum Disorder Eating Disorders Reactive Attachment Disorder Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Oppositional Defiant Disorder Depression Bipolar Disorders Schizophrenia Addictions Mental Health Conditions Affecting Children & Adolescents

11 Early Diagnosis and Treatment Early identification and intervention increases the chances of preventing long-term negative outcomes for children and adolescents who have mental health problems.

12 PARENTS TEACHERS And always be willing to talk to the child If a teacher suspects a problem, talk to the child’s parents. PARENTS & TEACHERS AS ALLIES If a parent suspects a problem, talk to your child’s teacher.

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