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Student Empathy Totems. Think about a specific student AdjectivesChallengesPassions or Interests.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Empathy Totems. Think about a specific student AdjectivesChallengesPassions or Interests."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Empathy Totems

2 Think about a specific student AdjectivesChallengesPassions or Interests

3 Example Empathy Point of View To achieve his/her learning goals this year, John, a super energetic and charming 3 rd grader fixated on Minecraft needs a way to experience math in the context of his passions So that it has greater meaning and he can focus his energies on it


5 Point of View Builder To achieve his/her learning goals this year, __________________________________________ (student’s name and vivid description, including passions) needs a way to __________________________________________ (something about the curriculum or classroom experience) so that __________________________________________ (an insight about child’s needs)

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