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Notre classe De français.

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1 Notre classe De français

2 Severine Bonjour! Je m’appelle Severine. J’ai dix ans. My name in English is Dana. I have blond hair. I go to West Woods school. A l’ecole, j’aime la musique et les arts plastique, mais je n’aime pas le maths. In my free time I love to read and write stories. Tchao, Severine (Dana)

3 Aditi Bonjour Je m’appelle Aditi
J’ai dix ans I have black hair I am a girl I have glasses my hair is in a pony tail. A e’ecole j’aime les arts plastiques et la sport et francais mais je n’aime pas le maths et sciences. In my free time I like to draw spend time with my friends and hang out at the pool. Sault, Aditi

4 Francis Salut Je m’applle francis
Jai onze. I am 5foot2. I have short blonde hair. Jaim les maths. Je n’aime pas le histoire. In my free time I like to play lacrosse. And I like to snowboard. tchao

5 Courtney Bonjour, Je m’appelle Courtney. J’ai 11 ans. I have brown hair and I am short. I have brown eyes. A l’e`cole, j’aime le EPS mais je n’aime pas le maths c’est barbant. J’aime faire du sport. J’aime le football. Je n’aime pas le escargots. Salut, Courtney

6 Nicole Bonjour, Je m’apple Nicole j’ ai onza ans.
I have blond hair and hazle eyes. I’m Polish. A l’école j’aime fair le LEPS! Je n’aime pas la choral. In my free time I read. I also like gymnastics.

7 Gianna Bonjour, Je m’appelle Gianna, Jai dix ans Hello
My name is Ginna, I am ten years old J’ aime fair les magasin mais je n’aime pas le ski In my free time i like to read or draw. I also like to play outside. Salut

8 Julie Bonjaur, je m’ appelle Julie.J’ai onze.
I have brown hair, blue eyes and I am tall. A l’école, j’aime la cantine mais je n’aime pas les maths In my free time I like to play outside with my friends.

9 Obi Bonjour, Je m’appelle Obi. J’ai onze ans. I am tall, I have short, black, puffy hair. A l’ecole, J’aime L’EPS je n’aime pas les arts plastiques. In my free time I love to play le sport. J’adore le basket! I also in my free time enjoy playing jeux videos.

10 Will Bonjour, Je m’appelle Will. J’ai onze ans. I am short, I have brown hair. A l’ecole, j’aime l’EPS mais je n’aime pas les art plastiques. In my free time I play football and baseball.

11 Blaise Bonjour, Je m’appelle Blaise. J’ai dix ans. I have blond hair. I am very short. A l’ecole, j’aime les maths. Je n’aime pas le livre. In my free time, I like to play the violin and play basketball.

12 Bonjour, Je m’appelle Alice. J’ai 11 ans. I am a girl that likes to play violin and I LOVE cats! I have a brother and a mother and father. I have a grandmother that speeks French. A l’ecole, j’aime les mathematiques et les sciences mais je n’aime pas L’EPS. In my free time I like to draw and write small stories. I also like to practice my German. Other things I enjoy are horseback riding and playing with my two friends Brittney and Pieter.

13 Bonjour Je m’appelle Cristine! Jai 10 ans. I go to WWUES. I like to swim. I have a brother. Il s’appelle Daniel. I originaly came from Colombia then to Canada then I live here in Farmington now. I have made a lot of friends since got here. Ma couleur préférée est le bleu. A l’echole, jaime le maths, français et l’ EPS mais je n’aime pasle estude socials. In my free time I like to swim,read and play on the computer.I also like to play with my brother and friends we either play tag hide and go seekor play board games. Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire?

14 Bonjour, Je m’appelle Nicole. J’ai 11 ans. I go to WWUES. I like math and reading. My favorite animal is dogs and I love to play the flute. I have two sisters and a mother and a father. Both my parents were originally from Canada. A l’ école, j’aime les maths et la bande. N’aime pas l’ EPS. In my free time I enjoy visiting my grandparents in Canada. I also enjoy going to the mall.

15 Bonjour!! Je m’appelle Audrey. J’ai dix ans. I have brown hair and brown eyes. I am average height and I love putting my hair in a ponytail. I go to Westwoods school, in Farmington, CT. I am a girl. A l’école, j’aime EPS!!! C’est genial!!!!!. Je n’aime pas les arts plastiques. C’est barbant! In my free time I love to play with my friends and family. I absolutely love sports too. I look foward to being your penpal!! Salut, Audrey

16 Bonjour Je m’ appelle Caroline J’ai Dix ans I have blond hair and blueish greenish eyes. A L’ecole j’aime L EPS. Je n amie pas L math . I love to play all sports my favorite is basketball and soccer. But i do not like math or reading another thing I like is French. Also go to the mall.

17 bonjour Je m’appelle Yapo. J’ai dix ans. I like to swim in my pool. A l’ecole j’aime le déjeuner. Je n’aime pas les mathmatiques. I don’t like homework but i like french class. Also, I like recess.

18 Lindsey Bounjour je m’appelle Lindsey Rio. J’ai 11 ans.
Im 4 feet five inches I weight 62 pounds and have dirty blonde hair.I have baby blue eyes and long eye lashes. A l’’école j’aime le français. Je n’aime pas les maths I love soccer and hate test bye!!!

19 Isabelle Je m’appelle Isabelle. J’ai 10ans . I like soccer. A l’ école, je n’aime pas le français. I like football and soccer.

20 Nathalie Je m’ appelle Nathalie J’ ai 10ans
I have long dirty blonde hair and hazel blue eyes. A l’ ecole j’aime le français, je n’aime pas les maths I like to play soccer and don’t like math

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