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Feature Stories. Qualities of a Feature Story Full of detail Strong narrative Strong lead paragraph that grabs reader’s attention and makes him/her want.

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Presentation on theme: "Feature Stories. Qualities of a Feature Story Full of detail Strong narrative Strong lead paragraph that grabs reader’s attention and makes him/her want."— Presentation transcript:

1 Feature Stories

2 Qualities of a Feature Story Full of detail Strong narrative Strong lead paragraph that grabs reader’s attention and makes him/her want to read on Include quotations from person or people involved Combines facts and opinions with a focus on the human interest side of the story While they report news, the news content is not of primary importance

3 Feature stories are both informative and entertaining They can include humor Contains the voice of the writer Can be organized in a variety of ways: Chronologically or narrative – having more of a plot structure Feature stories often put the “meat” on the “skeletal bones” of a news story Most importantly – a clear focus

4 Brainstorming to Write Feature Story List of Talents Tennis Running Writing Cooking Communicator Passions or Interests Reading – books favorites, not Gardening – successes, failures Teaching - Family – Kids, parents, siblings Pets – Owen, Mitzi, Bella Traveling – Europe, Mexico, Canada

5 Write a 3-4paragraph Feature Story Choose one of the topics from your list of talents, interests, or passions Pre-write: list as many things about that topic as you can Create a strong lead for your story Did you include voice, description, detail, information

6 Types of Feature Stories The Profile – an article about an individual. Politicians, athletes, celebrities anyone who is interesting and newsworthy News Features – Cover the same subjects as hard news stories but do so in greater depth and detail and include the human interest aspect. Example: Heart disease: Hard news – heart disease on the rise, statistics, quotes from experts etc. Feature story – would likely be about a person suffering from heart disease, describes the struggles of individual and family. Trend Story – fashion trends, tech trends, movies, music. Take the current culture of the moment and look what’s new Live-In – in-depth article that paints a picture of a particular place. Cool vacation spot, town to visit

7 Elements of a feature story Lead paragraph – Set the scene and grab reader’s attention with something interesting Description – brings people and places to life. Prompts reader to create mental image in his/her mind. Uses voice and descriptive language Quotes

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