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IAEA Training Course on Safety Assessment of NPPs to Assist Decision Making Workshop Information IAEA Workshop Licensing Renewal of Operating License Periodic.

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Presentation on theme: "IAEA Training Course on Safety Assessment of NPPs to Assist Decision Making Workshop Information IAEA Workshop Licensing Renewal of Operating License Periodic."— Presentation transcript:

1 IAEA Training Course on Safety Assessment of NPPs to Assist Decision Making Workshop Information IAEA Workshop Licensing Renewal of Operating License Periodic Safety Review Regulatory Point of View Lecturer Lesson II 2_2 City, Country XX - XX Month, Year

2 IAEA Training Course on Safety Assessment 2 Relevant Legal Basis (1/6) The following activities fall into the scope of Regulatory Authorities: a)Nuclear safety licensing required for the siting, construction, enlargement, commissioning, operation, modification, putting out of operation, decommissioning of nuclear facilities b)Nuclear safety inspection of nuclear facilities c)Regulatory licensing and inspection of structures connected to nuclear facilities d)With regard to nuclear equipment, nuclear safety and technical radiation protection licensing and inspection of activities related to the design, manufacture, installation (fitting in), commissioning, operation, modification (repair), imports from abroad, putting out of operation and decommissioning.

3 IAEA Training Course on Safety Assessment 3 Relevant Legal Basis (2/6) A license is required for: a)Siting (site license) b)Construction, enlargement (construction license) c)Commissioning (commissioning license) d)Operation (operation license) e)Modification (modification license) f)Permanent removal from operation (permanent shut- down license) g)Decommissioning (decommissioning license)

4 IAEA Training Course on Safety Assessment 4 Relevant Legal Basis (3/6) Regulatory Authority shall grant an individual or standard license: a)For the manufacturing (production license) b)Importation from abroad (import license) c)Installation (installation license) d)Commissioning, operation (operation license) e)Modification (modification license) f)Decommissioning (decommissioning license) of the equipment and nuclear fuel of nuclear facilities as categorized in terms of safety on basis of the Regulations

5 IAEA Training Course on Safety Assessment 5 Relevant Legal Basis (4/6) (1)Regulatory Authority shall conduct nuclear safety assessment in nuclear facilities within ten years from the first day of validity of the first operation license granted for initiating operations, and every tenth year after that. (2)In respect to nuclear power plants with more than one individual operation license, the assessment may be carried out jointly for the units containing independent nuclear reactors. (3)Licenses shall conduct internal assessment at least one year prior to the date determined for the assessment and shall submit periodical safety reports to Regulatory Authority on the results of such assessment.

6 IAEA Training Course on Safety Assessment 6 Relevant Legal Basis (5/6) (4)In the periodical safety reports licensees shall demonstrate all factors that determine the facility’s operational risk compared to the provisions of the final safety report serving as basis for the operation license. (5)When needed licensees shall take measures to increase safety and to eliminate or reduce risk factors. Licensees shall also prepare a program, including performance deadlines, as part of the periodical nuclear safety report and submit such to Regulatory Authority.

7 IAEA Training Course on Safety Assessment 7 Relevant Legal Basis (6/6) (6)Regulatory Authority shall pass a resolution, on the basis of the licensee’s periodical nuclear safety report and on the basis of the findings of its own periodical nuclear safety review, to specify the conditions of further operations. Reviewing the periodical safety report shall be accomplished during the operations licensing procedure. (7)The content and formal requirements of periodical safety reports are set forth in the Regulations.

8 IAEA Training Course on Safety Assessment 8 Periodic Safety Review (PSR) and Safety Upgrading of NPP Units (1/3) Objectives: *To reveal and evaluate ageing effects to design basis of units operated more than 10 years. *To define safety upgrading measures which are necessary for compliance with more modern regulatory requirements. Work to be done: *Review of current safety status of the units. *Comparison with the original design basis. *Comparison with the new requirements.

9 IAEA Training Course on Safety Assessment 9 Periodic Safety Review (PSR) and Safety Upgrading of NPP Units (2/3) Basic principles for PSR: *QA programme before start of PSR. *Apply most modern tools and methodologies. *Previous results can be submitted. *Self-critical approach for identification of strengths and weaknesses required. *Upgrading of FSAR in areas of PSR necessary. *Performance of PSR by utility, review of PSR by regulatory body.

10 IAEA Training Course on Safety Assessment 10 Periodic Safety Review (PSR) and Safety Upgrading of NPP Units (3/3) Areas involved into PSR: 1.Assessment of actual physical condition of the plant. 2.Equipment qualification. 3.Safety analysis. 4.Ageing and residual lifetime assessment. 5.Safety performance and reliability indicators. 6.Feedback of experiences from other NPPs and research findings. 7.Procedures. 8.Organizational structures and systems, administration. 9.Human factors.

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