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Assessment and Instruction Foundations of Reading Test Content Knowledge Preparations Presented by Dr. Jacqueline Easley.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment and Instruction Foundations of Reading Test Content Knowledge Preparations Presented by Dr. Jacqueline Easley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment and Instruction Foundations of Reading Test Content Knowledge Preparations Presented by Dr. Jacqueline Easley

2 Mystery Animal: A Quiz It hibernates in burrows during the winter months. It has poison glands behind its eyes. It is an amphibian. That means that it has a backbone and will breathe through lungs as an adult. It lays its eggs in a chain and its young live in water. It has no true teeth, yet it is a meat eater. It is a member of the Bufonidae Family. As an adult, a toad lives on the land, sometimes near water, but not always. It does not jump—only walks.

3 Agree or Disagree? Teachers should read aloud to their students because… a. …it encourages students to listen actively. b. …it conveys the pleasure of reading. c. …it serves as a model of fluent oral reading. d. …it helps children develop their vocabulary skills.

4 Analyzing Your Performance on Mystery Animal Passage Nonintegrators Non-Risk Takers Good Comprehenders Schema Imposers Storytellers

5 Formal or Informal Assessment? Informal Assessment Formative: Qualitative data accumulated through informal activities, such as: observations, interviews, questionnaires, samples of students’ work... Formal Assessment Summative: Quantitative data accumulated through formal tests, such as: standardized tests, MAP scores, unit tests… Ongoing assessment that informs instruction. Final assessment given at the end of a program to evaluate its effectiveness.

6 Characteristics of Formal Assessment Reliable Reliability = If students took the test more than once, they would get approximately the same score. Valid Validity = The test measures what it says it measures, such as vocabulary, comprehension, rate of reading, etc.

7 Characteristics of Formal Assessment Criterion Referenced Student performance is measured against a standard, i.e., criterion (90% = A, etc.). A well-constructed test can be used to plan instruction. Content validity = the degree to which the content of a test reflects reading tasks as they were taught in class.

8 Characteristics of Formal Assessment Norm Referenced Students’ results are compared to a sample (norm group) of others in the same grade/age group. Referred to as standardized tests. The scores are reported as average, above average, or below average. Purpose: These tests serve a sorting function. They indicate how students scored in comparison to the reference group.

9 Norm-Referenced Tests Score Reports

10 Informal Reading Inventories Purpose: To determine the best placement for a student in terms of using the level of reading material that meets the student’s particular instructional needs. Procedure: Student reads a passage aloud and the teacher notes any miscues, self- corrections, and/or observable reading behaviors.


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