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Jefferson Lab Users Group Report Haiyan Gao Chair, UGBOD June 2015- June 2016 June 21, 2016 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Jefferson Lab Users Group Report Haiyan Gao Chair, UGBOD June 2015- June 2016 June 21, 2016 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jefferson Lab Users Group Report Haiyan Gao Chair, UGBOD June 2015- June 2016 June 21, 2016 1

2 Users Group Board of Directors (UGBoD) Board changes to occur in June: Larry Weinstein [ODU] becomes chair (June 2016) Krishna Kumar [Stony Brook] becomes Chair Elect (June 2016) Julie Roche [Ohio U] becomes Vice Chair (June 2016) Past Chair: Haiyan Gao [Duke/Duke Kunshan] Secretary/Treasurer: Lorelei Chopard [JLab] (staff) New Members: Holly Szumila-Vance, Nathan Baltzell, Angela Biselli, Marco Contalbrigo, Charles Hyde 2

3 Users Group Board of Directors (UGBoD) Outgoing members: John Arrington (ANL): Past Chair  Haiyan Gao Elton Smith (Jefferson Lab): Quality of Life  Charles Hyde Garth Huber (Regina): User/JLab interaction  Angela Biselli Silvia Niccolai (IPN Orsay): Foreign Visitors  Marco Contalbrigo Ellie Long (New Hampshire University): Postdocs  Nathan Baltzell Melissa Cummings (William and Mary): Graduate Students  Holly Szumila-Vance 3 Nominating committee: P. Solvignon (Chair)*, Raffaella Devita, Nilanga Liyanage, Rory Miskimen, Reinhard Schumacher, and Christian Weiss * deceased

4  Represents users to JSA, JLab Management, and outside stakeholders User representative on Director’s Safety Council (Ed Brash) Chair or her/his designate gives user group update at JSA, SURA board meetings Represent JLab Users to NUFO  Follow up on user questions, comments, complaints, suggestions…  Organize the Annual User Meeting and two satellite meetings (APS April and DNP Fall meetings)  Board meets twice annually with JLab leadership, JSA representatives  Board Chair or designate makes presentations at JSA, SURA board meetings  Manage awards (Thesis Prize, Postdoc Prize, Poster Prize…)  User voice in evaluating JSA Initiative Fund requests Users Group Board of Directors (UGBoD) 4

5 UGBoD Activities (mostly supported by JSA-IF) Satellite meeting at the DNP Fall Meeting Selected the winner of the 2016 postdoc prize Evaluated submissions for the 2015 thesis prize, formed ad hoc committees for first-round and final-round review Satellite meeting at the APS April Meeting Nuclear Physics Day visits to DC (March) Annual Users Group Meeting (June 20-22, 2016) During the Meeting: Select and award Poster Prize winners 5

6 JSA Initiatives Fund  JSA Initiatives Fund supports several User Group activities Two Satellite Meetings per year – April APS and Fall DNP annual meetings. Presentations by UGBoD and Jefferson Lab leadership, Q&A Users Group Annual Meeting (+Poster Competition, Student lunches) Postdoctoral Prize, Thesis Prize 2016 list of funded proposals:  UGBoD evaluates user-submitted proposals, passes along ratings and comments to Programs Committee User, UG Board, and JSA-generated initiatives (e.g. Outstanding Nuclear Physics Award – awarded to Xiangdong Ji, Anatoly Radyushkin June 2015) Junior scientist travel support, Extra child-care travel support, nuclear physics day on the hill support… Topical workshops, collaborative efforts, etc. 6

7 Elena Long (University of New Hampshire) ”Tensor Spin Observables ” Criteria: Record of accomplishment in physics, planned high-impact JLab physics program, promise of further accomplishments in the Jefferson Lab research fields in the future Proposed research does not have to be totally new or fully funded by the $10k research prize Presentation at the Users Meeting Profiled in upcoming “On Target” story Thanks to UGBoD (judges) and to Jefferson Science Associates for funding this award 2016 JSA Postdoctoral Research Prize 7

8 2015 JSA Thesis Prize  Large number of high-quality theses nominated  First round: UGBOD and French thesis ad hoc committee: Kawtar Hafidi, P. Solvignon, Paul Stoler  Or Hen (MIT) ” High-Momentum Nucleons in Nuclei” – PhD Thesis, Tel-Aviv University  UGBoD selected 4 finalists, final judges: Alexandre Deur, Charles Hyde, Zein- Eddine Meziani  Presentation at the Users Meeting  Profile in upcoming “On Target” story  Thanks to the UGBoD members, guest judges, and to JSA for funding this award 8

9 2016 UGM Poster Prizes  Held annually during Users Meeting: 11 entries this year (smaller than previous years)  Judges: Bryan McKinnon, Dave Mack and Andrey Tarasov [Holly Szumila-Vance - organizer]  Announcement Tuesday June 21 at 3:45 pm at the Award session  2016 winners: Abha Rajan (UVa) (1 st ), Nicholas Compton (Ohio U) (2 nd ), and John Hardin (MIT) (3 rd )  Honorable mention:  Thanks to the judges, all of the entrants, and to JSA for funding  Criteria: Poster quality (40%), presentation to judges (40%), total impact of work (20%)  This year: prize is $500/$250/$100, plus $500 travel support for all winners

10 JSA Graduate Student Fellowships Supported by JSA Initiative Fund (JSA generated initiative) The 2016-2017 fellowship winners are: – Abha Rajan, Univ. of Virginia (Advisor: Simonetta Liuti) – Kurtis Bartlett, College of William& Mary (Wouter Deconinck) – Oleksandr Koshchii, The George Washington University (Andrei Avanasev) – Caryn Palatchi, University of Virginia (Kent Paschke) – Sebouh Paul, College of William& Mary (Keith Griffioen) – Holly Szumila-Vance, Old Dominion University (Larry Weinstein) – Nguyen Ton, Univ. of Virginia (Advisor: Xiaochao Zheng) – Xuefei Yan, Duke University (Haiyan Gao) The students’ research proposals cover a broad scientific spectrum, including experimental physics and theoretical physics

11 Special talk by Barry Barish (Caltech) On The 100-Year Odyssey to Einstein's Gravitational Waves Theme of the workshop: Reaching for the Horizon – the 2015 Long Range Plan for Nuclear Science Featured speakers: Alexandra Gade (Michigan State) Giorgio Gratta (Stanford) Chen-Yu Liu (Indiana) Krishna Rajagopal (MIT) Mougey Memorial Talk by Omar Benhar

12 Outreach Nuclear Physics day Capitol Hill visits (March) NUFO Science exhibition Capitol Hill (June) Inform users of important issues Encourage contact between users and their representatives in congress Nadia Fomin is UGBoD member leading outreach efforts New initiative fund proposal to help support Nuclear Physics day on Capitol Hill 12

13 Nuclear Physics on the Hill 2016 Jlab, RHIC and FRIB user groups met with the offices of senators and representatives 4 th year of Jlab involvement 24 JLab user participants from 12 states


15 LRP recommendations The progress achieved under the guidance of the 2007 Long Range Plan has reinforced U.S. world leadership in nuclear science. The highest priority in this 2015 Plan is to capitalize on the investments made. – With the imminent completion of the CEBAF 12-GeV Upgrade, its forefront program of using electrons to unfold the quark and gluon structure of hadrons and nuclei and to probe the Standard Model must be realized. We recommend the timely development and deployment of a U.S.- led ton-scale neutrinoless double beta decay experiment. We recommend a high-energy high-luminosity polarized EIC as the highest priority for new facility construction following the completion of FRIB. We recommend increasing investment in small-scale and mid- scale projects and initiatives that enable forefront research at universities and laboratories.

16 Registration is open Please send abstracts for contributed talks to conveners See meeting website for more information: EIC Detector R&D meeting will be July 6-7 (also at ANL) Kawtar Hafidi

17 Final reminders  Suggested DNP executive committee nominees  Curtis Meyer [vice chair]  John Arrington [at large]  Ioana Niculescu [at large]  Paper ballot and envelop available at this workshop  Alternatively, an online nomination option is being offered for the first time: DNP 2016 Online Nomination Ballot DNP 2016 Online Nomination Ballot Thanks to Larry Weinstein and program committee for organizing this wonderful UGM, and to Holly Szumila-Vance for organizing poster/student seminars efforts Extremely grateful for above-and-beyond efforts of Lorelei Chopard – Critical role in organizing this meeting – Exceptional contributions to all aspects of UGBoD activities and discussions – Outstanding efforts dealing with user issues Special thanks to John Arrington, Misak Sargsian, Krishna Kumar, Larry Weinstein representing the chair at different meetings Important for users to give seminars at the lab before new results are released/published 17

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