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TESTING READING Dr. Muhammad Shahbaz. Record Teacher Observations One of the most effective ways for teacher to assess a student’s reading comprehension.

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Presentation on theme: "TESTING READING Dr. Muhammad Shahbaz. Record Teacher Observations One of the most effective ways for teacher to assess a student’s reading comprehension."— Presentation transcript:

1 TESTING READING Dr. Muhammad Shahbaz

2 Record Teacher Observations One of the most effective ways for teacher to assess a student’s reading comprehension is through teacher observation (Routman 1994).

3 TYPES OF TEACHER OBSERVATION  Think Alouds, probes and interviews.  Strategies checklist or Rating scales.  Miscue and Running Records.  Anecdotal Records.

4 INTRODUCTION 1. Specify what candidates should be able to do: - Operations - Texts - Speed - Criterial level of performance

5 INTRODUCTION 2. Make suggestions for setting appropriate test task - Selecting texts - Writing items Possible techniques a) Multiple choice b) Short answer c) Gap filling d) Information transfer - Which language for items and responses - Procedures for writing items - Practical advice on item writing - A note on scoring

6 I. OPERATIONS 1. Straight forward activity 2. Receptive skill 3. Measured Skills ???????? a) Slow reading b) Flip the page reading c) Search for Particular information reading

7 OPERATIONS Diagnostic test? Achievement test? Placement and proficiency tests?

8 OPERATIONS Learners´ reading skills a. Expeditious reading operations b. Slow and careful reading operations



11 CRITERIAL LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE a) Norm-reference testing b)Criterion-reference testing

12 II. SELECTING TEXTS Select a representative sample Look for texts which have discrete pieces of information Interesting article for candidates Avoid texts of general knowledge and already read by candidates Specified elements to be scan Appropriate length Include as many passages as possible Clear organized structure of the text Do not choose texts that are too culturally driven


14 POSSIBLE TECHNIQUES When writing items a) Multiple choice b) Short Answers Gap filling Information transfer

15 WHICH LANGUAGE FOR ITEMS AND RESPONSES? -Writing items should not cause difficulties of comprehension - Less demanding than the text itself - Responses should make minimum demand on writing ability: candidates share the same language

16 PEOCEDURES FOR WRITING ITEMS a. Careful reading of the text b. Ask yourself what one can get from the text c. Note main points or examples d. Decide what candidates would be able to perform e. Text and items should be presented to colleagues for moderation

17 PRACTICAL ADVICE ON ITEM WRITING 1.Scanning: present items in the order they are to be found in the text 2. Do not include items that candidates may be able to answer from general knowledge 3. Make items independent of each other 4. Be ready to make minor changes of a text to improve the items.


19 ACTION  Recall pieces of reading test in term of the facts discuss in the presentation? a) Length b) Items c) Responses d) Language level

20 CONCLUSIONS  Assessment of reading must include decoding skills and reading comprehension strategies.  Include student attitudes and feelings toward reading.

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