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From MMS to OMS to a Minimally Invasive Modeling Framework George Leavesley and Olaf David Colorado State University, USDA, Fort Collins, CO.

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Presentation on theme: "From MMS to OMS to a Minimally Invasive Modeling Framework George Leavesley and Olaf David Colorado State University, USDA, Fort Collins, CO."— Presentation transcript:

1 From MMS to OMS to a Minimally Invasive Modeling Framework George Leavesley and Olaf David Colorado State University, USDA, Fort Collins, CO

2 Modeling Framework Objectives Include Provide an integrated toolbox approach to model development, testing, and application. Easily configured and/or enhanced for user-specific needs. Support multi-disciplinary component and model integration. Flexible approach to enable the incorporation of continuing advances in science, databases, computer technology,... Open source software design to allow many to share resources, expertise, knowledge, and costs.


4 Model Builder MMS Interface MODULAR MODELING SYSTEM (MMS) Object User Interface

5 Object Modeling System (OMS) Modeling IDE based on NetBeans Modeling Projects Component Library Assembled Model Parameter Editor Component Editor Output Analysis

6 Modular Modeling System (MMS) –Object Based –C Language Framework –Fortran, C module support –Linux/Unix environment Object Modeling System (OMS) –Object Oriented –Java Language Framework –Java, C, C++, Fortran module support –Sun NetBeans environment –Platform Independent MMS and OMS Basics

7 OMS Component-Based Model Structure A model is a hierarchical assembly of components Sequential Execution order Model Wizard Drag and drop process Control components

8 Time – Space – Process Considerations Time Space Processes

9 Access Components Directly from a Library Connect Explore Palette Use

10 History of the Object Modeling System (OMS) Charge: Build a contemporary modeling framework for USDA based on modular modeling experiences 2001/02 2003/04 2005/06 2007/08/09+ Netbeans Platform Major Refactoring Central Version Control Standardize Component API PRMS Modeling Projects USDA CoLab Use Project Plan/Process PRMS, CEAP, iFarm Initial Prototype Swing based PRMS, RZWQM Geospatial Integration Calibration Tools Sensitivity Analysis Uncertainty Analysis Knowledge Base Data Provisioning Deployment Platform Agency Governance Webservices Cloud Computing CEAP, J2000(S), PRMS, WWEM, Model Bases OMS 1.0 2.x OMS 3.0

11 OMS 3.0 vs OMS 2.x What is common? –Conceptually similar, Init/Run/Cleanup What is different in 3.0? –Minimally invasive approach No Framework data types No interfaces provided Default Multithreading

12 Framework Invasiveness How does the use of a particular framework impact an application's quality and user acceptance? Quality with respect to  Portability  Reusability  Understandability  Maintainability User acceptance in terms of required code modifications, ease of use, support features, …

13 Technical Framework Invasiveness Issues Coupling between application and framework code  Framework APIs  Framework Interfaces  Framework Custom Data Types Mass of boilerplate code External framework dependencies  Required non-framework APIs Framework couplings  Language dependencies  Platform dependencies  Organizational dependency

14 OMS 3.0 vs OMS 2.x What is common? –Conceptually similar, Init/Run/Cleanup What is different in 3.0? –Minimally invasive approach No Framework data types No interfaces provided Default Multithreading –3.0 Annotated POJOS vs. OMS2 API Interface implementations 3.0 Component = Plain Old Java Object (POJO) + Meta data

15 OMS 3.0 Meta Data @ Description @Author @Bibliography @Status @VersionInfo @SourceInfo @Keywords @Label @Description @Unit @In @Out @Range @Role @Bound @Label @Execute @Initialize @Finalize ComponentField Method

16 Meta Data Purpose Execution control and connectivity Execution support Documentation/Repository support Testing support Runtime consistency support

17 Example Component import ngmf.ann.*; @Description(“Circle computation”) @Author(“me”) public class CircleArea { @Description(“Radius”) @Range(min=0) @In public double r; @Out public double area; @Execute public void runme(){ area = Math.PI * r * r; }

18 Component Metadata Variants 3 different syntaxes to provide for the same Component meta data semantics using (i) Annotations or (ii) XML 1)Embedded Metadata using Annotations 2)Attached Metadata using Annotations 3)Attached Metadata using XML

19 Annotation supported Transformations OpenMI Component OpenMI Component CCA Repository Plain Old Object OMS 3.0 Annotations Unit Testing Annotation Processor

20 OMS 3.0 vs OMS 2.x What is common? –Conceptually similar, Init/Run/Cleanup What is different in 3.0? –Minimally invasive approach No Framework data types No interfaces provided Default Multithreading –3.0 Annotated POJOS vs. OMS2 API Interface implementations 3.0 Component = Plain Old Java Object (POJO) + Meta data –Scalability

21 Scalability Concept CPU RAM CPU RAM CPU NAM RAM CPU RAM CPU The same code runs on Single CPU Multi Core/CPU Cluster Cloud

22 Interactive Model Interface Tools - GeoWind Integrates NASA World Wind and GeoTools

23 Analysis Tools Canned analysis configurations Analysis of output data –Graphs TimeSeries Plot XY Error Flow duration Residuals –Statistics Table IO/API

24 ESP Trace Analysis Ensemble Streamflow Prediction (ESP) Tool Statistical analysis Report generation

25 Hay and Umemoto, 2006, Multiple-Objective Step-Wise Calibration using Luca: U.S. Geological Survey OFR 2006-1323. Multiple-Objective Step-Wise Calibration Tool Using SCE LUCA -

26 Selected Current Applications

27 Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) Authorized by the 2002 Farm Bill Government-wide emphasis on Outcomes National Assessment plus Watershed Assessments “Scientifically quantify effects of Conservation Practices"

28 Soil Climate Plant/Crop … NRCS Data Warehouse OMS Model Interface PS1 Nutrients Hydrology 1 Crop Growth 1 PS2 PS1 ErosionWindLeaching 1 Hydrology 2 Crop Growth 2 Hydrology 2 Crop Growth 1 OMS Model AOMS Model B OMS Model C ARS Science Module Warehouse OMS Model Engine OMS Toolbox Hydrology Erosion Crop Growth Modules.. ARS/CEAP Goal regionalized models, databases, and scenarios for site-specific watershed assessment studies and national assessments

29 Agricultural Water Supply Forecasting (USDA – NRCS National Water and Climate Center)

30 Adding a process-model based daily/weekly/monthly forecast capability using OMS to supplement the current regression-based seasonal supply forecasts. Agricultural Water Supply Forecasting Research Elements: Evaluate alternative climate scenarios in ESP Evaluate alternative precip distribution methods Develop an ensemble of models for forecasting

31 OMS Briefing

32 MMS Concepts –Modular structure (init, run, cleanup) and levels of design –Component attribute descriptions included in code –Model integration and visualization with OUI –ESP and multi-objective, stepwise calibration with Luca tools OMS 2.x Concepts –Java-based, object oriented –Platform independent –Multiple language support using wrapper technology –Searchable component repository/library –Control components available in the model building process –GeoWind OMS 3.0 –Separate OMS API from science components (remove invasiveness) –Plain Old Java Objects - POJOs –Scalability – cpu, multi-core, cluster, cloud –Move towards framework interoperability Summary – Evolution of a Modeling Framework

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