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The Language of Horses… Sid Gustafson DVM Veterinary Behaviorist Equine Behavior EquineGuelph Practicing Veterinarian …is the Language of Horsemanship.

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2 The Language of Horses… Sid Gustafson DVM Veterinary Behaviorist Equine Behavior EquineGuelph Practicing Veterinarian …is the Language of Horsemanship

3 A Merging of Languages Facilitated Domestication Communication, cooperation, cohesion, & constant contact. Group survivalists merge easily. Shared Sociality

4 Shared Innate Language from a Shared Sociality Shared social structures led to the merger of horse and man & 12 others; dog, goose, cow, goat, pig... The language of the horse is in us, and our language is in the horse via convergent evolution. The languages have been absorbed into to one another to varying degrees. Some absorb the language better than others.

5 Shared Innate Language from a Shared Sociality Shared social structures led to the merger of horse and man & 12 others; dog, goose, cow, goat, pig... The language of the horse is in us, and our language is in the horse via convergent evolution. The languages have been absorbed into to one another to varying degrees. Some absorb the language better than others.

6 Absorption Refinement of the language is required on a human to horse basis, and a human to herd basis. Precise communication, cooperation, cohesion, & constant contact compose the horse language. Humans are required to adapt to those criteria. Immersion, Assimilation, Constant Cohesion Horses are language adaptable, thank goodness, some more than others. Some require concise communication, while others respond to a more generalized cueing, as in schooling horses.

7 Training Required Horse is unique. Each horse requires training for usefulness. Individual training and bonding. Fluent communication is required for training. Other ungulate domesticates such as the pig, sheep, & cow require minimal or no training.

8 Group Survival Shared languages, shared survival goals. Survival of the best communicators. Safety in numbers, led to safety in more numbers, dogs, horses, and uniquely communicative others. Domesticates had the characteristics (sugars) that facilitated merging with man. Horses form strong pair bonds

9 Adapting Our Language to the Horse’s Language Domestic species easily adapt their language to others. Humans adapt their language to horses. Mutually compatible communication. Other prospective domesticates were not able to adapt to the human communication construct, nor humans to theirs. Elk, hyenas, zebra, etc.

10 Several Shared Languages 1. Kinetic empathy, the gesture language of movement; silent, subtle, concise. Timely, and clearly visual, sometimes combine with tactile – Ground work, line training, liberty 2. Haptic communication, the physical contact of touch, pressure, rhythm, release, reward; timely, subtle, concise. – Riding Haptic + Kinetic + verbal 3. Verbal and sensory communications, Driving

11 Feel Riding is constant communication Haptic + Kinetic. Willing

12 Socialization Ensures &Maintains Trainability Trainable horses are a result of appropriate socialization, teaching, and husbandry. Appropriate socialization is achieved by providing or simulating a natural herd setting from birth through maturity. Horse socialization. Socialization teaches, nurtures, and sustains the language of horses. Socialized horses learn most readily. For the best performance and health, re-create a herd setting in your stable, arena, and travels.

13 Unlike verbal, kinetic language is timing Training (teaching) is dependent on precisely timed interactions Precise Repetition and release leads to concise aids Aid timed with correct stage of gait Aid delivered in a fashion to make it easy for the horse to answer correctly with concision. Cues are not arbitrary and must be synchronized. Softer and lighter with time and familiarity

14 Performance is Dependent on Fulfillment ~Horses require abundant friends, forage, and locomotion to sustain physical and behavioral health Learning is reliant on fulfillment. Sustained successful performance is dependent upon a lifetime of horse-friendly husbandry, teaching, and cooperation. Winning cannot be coerced or forced. Health and performance are reflective of the level of welfare.

15 Keeping Horses Healthy Move Natural into Stable NaturalStable >>>>>>>  ♬⌘ ∞§  ✪  ✜ F,F,L, Socialization f fL Grazing, playing, running, socializing Isolated, immobile. Forage deprived, Space Restricted. Bad air. Open view, clean air

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