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EGR 312 - 251 Depreciation Depreciation – the reduction in value of an asset. Used to reflect remaining value of an asset over its useful life. Book Depreciation.

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Presentation on theme: "EGR 312 - 251 Depreciation Depreciation – the reduction in value of an asset. Used to reflect remaining value of an asset over its useful life. Book Depreciation."— Presentation transcript:

1 EGR 312 - 251 Depreciation Depreciation – the reduction in value of an asset. Used to reflect remaining value of an asset over its useful life. Book Depreciation – used by corporations for internal financial accounting Tax Depreciation – use in tax calculations in accordance to government regulations

2 EGR 312 - 252 Why is depreciation important? Depreciation can lower your taxes: taxes = (income – deductions)*tax rate where one of the primary deductions is depreciation. In other words, the use of depreciation can make you money by reducing the amount of taxes you pay.

3 EGR 312 - 253 Definitions First Cost – cost of purchasing and installing an asset (on real-estate, the value of land is excluded) Book Value – the remaining, undepreciated capital of an asset which is on the corporation’s books; the first cost minus the sum of all deprecation taken Recovery Period – depreciable life of the asset in years Market Value – estimate of the value of an asset if sold on the open market, not necessarily the same as the book value.

4 EGR 312 - 254 Definitions Depreciation Rate – the fraction of the “First Cost” removed by depreciation each year. Personal Property – allowed for depreciation, includes items such as manufacturing equipment, vehicles, computers, etc. Real Property – also allowed for depreciation, includes office buildings, warehouses, manufacturing facilities, etc… note, land is not depreciated. Half-year convention – assumes assets are placed in service in midyear.

5 EGR 312 - 255 Straight Line (SL) Depreciation Book value depreciates linearly with time. In other words, depreciation is removed in equal amounts each year. Where t = year (1,2,… n) D t = annual depreciation charge B = first cost S = estimated salvage value n = recovery period d = depreciation rate = 1/n

6 EGR 312 - 256 SL Depreciation Book value (SL): Depreciation rate is constant:

7 EGR 312 - 257 SL Depreciation Example: A $20,000 vehicle is to be depreciated over 7 years using SL depreciation.

8 EGR 312 - 258 Depreciation Straight Line (SL) Depreciation Example: What would the yearly depreciation and depreciation rate be if the $20,000 vehicle is expected to have a salvage value of $6,000? D t = _____________ d = ______________

9 EGR 312 - 259 Declining Balance (DB) Depreciation Book value depreciates by a fixed percentage of the book value, not a fixed amount. Where t = year (1,2,… n) BV t-1 = book value in year t - 1 D t = depreciation amount in year t d = depreciation rate

10 EGR 312 - 2510 DB Depreciation Book value (DB):

11 EGR 312 - 2511 DB Depreciation Example: A $20,000 vehicle is to be depreciated over 7 years using DB depreciation with a depreciation rate of 0.25.

12 EGR 312 - 2512 Double Declining Balance (DDB) Depreciation The maximum annual depreciation rate for DB method is: d max = 2/n In this case, the method is called double declining balance (DDB)

13 EGR 312 - 2513 Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) MACRS is the US government accepted depreciation schedule for tax purposes. MACRS combines facets of DDB and SL methods. Assets are grouped into categories based on recovery periods of 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 27.5, and 39 years. See table 16-4, pg. 426 for asset groupings. Examples: landscaping around the UC rental house tooling for new line of refrigerators

14 EGR 312 - 2514 MACRS To determine the amount of deprecation each year, use the following depreciation rate table (table 16-2, pg. 423.) Note: see the top of pg. 424 for instructions regarding real property (39 year life).

15 EGR 312 - 2515 MACRS Example: A $20,000 vehicle is to be depreciated for tax purposes.

16 EGR 312 - 2516 Depletion Methods Depletion: book (noncash) method to represent decreasing value of natural resources. Cost depletion (CD): Based on the level of activity required to remove a natural resource Percentage depletion (PD): Based on gross income (GI) from resource

17 Calculations Cost Depletion: Multiply factor CD t by amount of resource removed Where: CD t = first cost / resource capacity Total depletion can not exceed first cost of the resource Percentage Depletion: Multiply GI by standardized rate (%) (from table on pg. 427) Annual depletion can not exceed 50% of company’s taxable income (TI) EGR 312 - 2517

18 Example A mine purchased for $3.5 million has a total expected yield of one million ounces of silver. Determine the depletion charge in year 4 when 300,000 ounces are mined and sold for $30 per ounce using (a) cost depletion, and (b) percentage depletion. (c) Which is larger for year 4? (a) Factor, CD 4 = ______________________________ CDA 4 = __________________________ (b) Percentage depletion rate for silver mines is _____ PDA 4 = __________________________ (c) Claim percentage depletion amount, provided it is ≤ 50% of TI. EGR 312 - 2518

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