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TeachEx TeachEx WP4 Quality Plan Krakow Meeting 04-06/07/2016.

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Presentation on theme: "TeachEx TeachEx WP4 Quality Plan Krakow Meeting 04-06/07/2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 TeachEx TeachEx WP4 Quality Plan Krakow Meeting 04-06/07/2016

2 Tasks: Development of quality tools Conducting questionnaires and surveys and collecting data. Presenting internal results within the consortium. Conducting external monitoring and presentation of results in final meeting.

3 Outcomes Outcome 4.1: Development of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and benchmarking tools Outcome 4.2: Development of self- evaluation for teachers Outcome 4.3 : Internal and External evaluation of the project.

4 Assumptions: Active participation of partner members and submission of information and questionnaires to JU and Oranim on due time. Risks: Lack of commitment on QA by partner members. In order to avoid this risk, a partnership agreement will state clear the conditions for participation to be endorsed by the legal representatives. Performance indicators will assess the active participation of partner members. Contingency plan: Intensive communication plan and insistence from project coordinator on importance of QA culture for TEACHEX.

5 Four questions on quality management: What? How? Who? When?

6 What? Outputs/outcomes –Course materials –………………….. Processes –Information management –Time management –Financial management –Dissemination activities

7 How? Elaboration of methodology, identification of indicators Questionnaires Interviews Data analysis ………………

8 Who? Four levels: –Basic level (all project participants) –WP/module level (WP/module leaders, event organizers etc.) –WP4 level (internal QA of the project) –External evaluator level (external QA of the project)

9 1.Purpose 2.Management structure 3.Procedures and tools 4.Internal Evaluation Plan 5.External Evaluation Quality Plan

10 Two times: –Before interim report –Before final report On-line questionnaries –Cross-evaluation of project management –Cross-evaluation of WP management –Evaluation of dissemination –General partners’ view on project’s development and future Internal evaluation of the project

11 Two times: –Before interim report –Before final report Based on data from internal evaluation External evaluation of the project

12 On-line questionnaries for participants To be ready just after Krakow meeting „A posteriori” evaluation of previous meetings, then regular evaluation after each meeting Evaluation of project meetings

13 1.1Appointment of staff for CTEs Each HEI in IL employs 2 or 3 staff members who will be coordinating and executing the project and are responsible for the smooth running of the CTEs. They will work on university management, train selected academic population, guarantee the dissemination of materials in hard copy and on-line, develop the piloting and organisation of trainings and workshops, prepare and contribute to the round tables, surveys for QA, provide requested documentation to the project coordinator. 15/02/16 1.2 Purchase and installation of equipment for CTEs - Selection of equipment for the CTEs with Interactive Class Tools / Systems, Tablets for learning systems testing, video-learning systems, accessories for end-users (web cameras), site host service (for learning technologies portal) - Equipping/upgrading of infrastructure for the CTEs (hardware, software) IDC will centralize the tender purchase and distribute to the rest of IL partners. 15/10/16 1.3Institutionalization of CTEsOpening of CTEs and formalization of new structures. Presentation of organisational charts. Identification of premises (physical places) and visibility within the Israeli institutions. 15/10/16 WP1 Deliverables

14 2.1Design of the professional academic training programs in 5 areas Development of training materials in 5 domains: 1. Innovation in Active Teaching & Learning (new pedagogic approaches, learning environments, classroom techniques etc) - led by UCC 2. Internationalisation of Education (application of learning outcomes, ECTS, DS in curriculum development) - led by Jagielonian 3. Bridging the generation gap (Designing curriculum to meet the new student generation characteristics and learning strategies) - led by GCU 4. Managing Diversity in the Classroom – Designing teaching methodologies that aim to give staff tools to develop diverse learning materials so as to meet different students learning styles, abilities, disabilities and multi-cultural backgrounds – led by UBrighton 5. Educational Technology - Blending learning, e- learning, mobile learning, etc. – led by Groningen An electronic version of training materials will be developed too. Stock-taking of pertinent training materials from EU side and purchase of books and journals to be used by CTEs. 15/06/17 WP2 Deliverables

15 2.2 Training methodologies and Training Trainers After the preparation of 5 teaching modules in 2.1, this activity will concentrate on: 1. Development of training methodologies – Develop methods to train the trainers, such as: workshops, work within small development teams, personal guiding including follow-up observation of the implementation of the new teaching methodologies, ect. 2. CTE staff and faculty experts will undergo intensive training in delivering the 5 teaching modules by using the developed training methodologies. 3. HEI staff members will be trained by experts and CTE staff. Train-the trainer sessions will be conducted by CTE staff members to appointed faculty members. These "staff teaching experts" will be able to disseminate knowledge to faculty in their department. applying their knowledge in the 5 teaching areas developed 16/06/17 2.3Development and use of virtual platform and digital repository UoN will develop together with IL partners a virtual platform and digital repository where training materials can be downloaded and use together with a MOODLE type of platform for elearning. 14/10/18 WP2 Deliverables

16 3.1 Launching professional academic training programs Inauguration of first training programs on specific professional academic areas in function of the strategies of each HEI related to continuous teaching and learning process and the expertise desired for their CTEs. There will be 2 phases. In the second year, staff from CTEs will retrain 20 to 30 teachers. In the 3 rd year, retrained teachers will be able to teach students. Therefore staff will have the opportunity to deliver and receive new courses and to be able to compare and grasp different approaches to teaching and learning practice. An evaluation of results in both phases of development will be carried out. 15/10/18 3.2Onsite and online educationThe project will conduct formation and training online and presential mode. Staff from CTEs will be formed in the first year. They will train between 20 to 30 teachers in the second year who will be able to deliver classes on the third year applying the knowledge received in the second year. 15/06/18 WP3 Deliverables

17 3.3Result analysis on pilot project BGU will prepare an evaluation tool to assess the impact of the courses towards beneficiaries, teachers, students and local communities through questionnaires, interviews and performance indicators. EU experts will be able also to assess the results and provide peer review assessment through visits and programs undertaken during the piloting project seizing the opportunities of participation in other events like round tables, conferences or management meetings. A report with results will be facilitated to key stakeholders and NEO. An International/national conference/workshop will be organised to disseminate the survey's findings: 21st century teacher and students 14/10/18 WP3 Deliverables

18 4.1Development of KPI and benchmarking tools Teachex foresees the development of a quality assurance mechanism specific for evaluating models for the enhancement of teaching excellence with Key Performance Indicators (KPI). Once established, this mechanism will be used throughout the project at all levels in order to assess its progress and outcomes. The QA activity will be implemented from the project's beginning and will accompany all activities. It will include a formative and summative evaluation and the production of two reports (mid term and final). QA activities include: -the development of evidence-based and measurable benchmarking mechanism and impact tools for evaluating CETs and teaching models - Implementation of QA mechanism in a formative manner at different stages of the project's implementation. -QA activities will include; field visits to Israeli HEIs, interviews with staff responsible for CETs and developing teaching models. - The evaluation results of the project will be included in a mid-term and final report of the project's evaluation 15/09/16 WP4 Deliverables

19 4.2 Development of self- evaluation for teachers The QA mechanism will also include the development and implementation of self-evaluation for teachers taking part in the Teachex training models. This will allow for an assessment of the impact of the models on the teaching quality of the faculty from their own perspective. Activities: -Defining aims and objectives of teacher evaluation -Articulating the self-evaluation tools (questionnaires, interviews, focus groups) -Implementing the tools among teachers taking part in the Teachex pilot models. -Analyzing data Producing evaluation reports based on the results 15/03/20 17 4.3Internal and External evaluation Interim reports with evaluation of impact and achievement of the project. Internal control is aimed at guaranteeing the proper running of the project, full understanding of the project by all partners, proper cooperation among the consortium institutions, collecting data from the self- evaluation reports and preparing summaries of the questionnaires. Final report with evaluation of impact and achievement of the project. Comparison of internal and external evaluation results. 15/09/18 WP4 Deliverables

20 5.1 Design and approval of dissemination plan At the beginning of the project and together with the partnership agreement to be signed between partners the dissemination plan for the 3 years will be revised and approved. 15/01/16 5.2Development of website and social media site Development of website and maintenance for visibility of the project and forum on teaching excellence and internal communication. A facebook site or similar will be created too and promotional videos for global audience (via youtube or similar) created as well. 14/09/18 WP5 Deliverables

21 5.3 Local round tables and international conferences The roundtables consists of the synthesis reports on the basis of policy analyses being undertaken to be used to influence policy makers and practitioners such as government officials, university administrators in areas related to professional development of academic staff and quality of education. The establishment of the CTEs should contribute to the implementation of the Lisbon agenda. The round tables will be covered by the press and media and also information will be available in the websites of the project and local websites and eventual newsletters. 6 persons from IL (one from each HEI will be able to present findings and results from Teachex experience in EU). The project will only cover travel costs and costs of stay. 14/10/18 5.4Preparation and edition of special issue in scientific publication Brighton University will edit and proof read scientific articles from the consortium based on the lessons learned and results obtained from the TEACHEX project. They will be submitted to an international editorial which will be identified during the second year. 15/07/18 WP5 Deliverables

22 5.5 Design and approval of sustainability plan The Sustainability Plan is designed to put sustainability into practice on a local level for each CTE and will evolve into a strategic planning document for the administrative authorities of each Israeli partner HEI. The plan is meant to be a living, dynamic guide of training programs to aid the partner HEIs in making the a more vibrant and resilient community of teaching practice that provides a high quality of teachers for current and future students. Because of its dynamic nature, the plan will be adjusted and reviewed regularly by the members of each CTE to assure it is always up to date. A financial sustainable plan for each CTE will be elaborated too (ref 6.2). 15/03/18 5.6Preparation and publication of business plans for CTEs Each HEI will elaborate a business plan for their educational learning center. As part of the business plan, include information about whether they plan the target groups (internal staff and/or external), number of trainings and workshops per year, costs, sponsorship, etc. They will evaluate the competition and create some financial projections for each CTE business as well. 15/10/17 WP5 Deliverables

23 5.7 Mobile application for social content 14/10/18 5.8Marketing campaign and enrolment for trainings organised after 2018 Each CTE will market its products and events by developing and implementing internal and external marketing and advertising campaigns; tracking potential customer data; maintaining promotional materials inventory; planning meetings and trade shows; maintaining databases and preparing reports to track results. 15/08/18 WP5 Deliverables

24 6.1 Creation of Project Board and Management Team Official appointment of local coordinators and responsible people for each CTE. Signatures of partnership agreements for internal procedures on project implementation. 15/01/16 6.2Design and approval of Communication Management Strategy, monitoring (IQA) and Risk/Contingency Plan At the beginning of the project the Project Board will elaborate a CMS and Risk Plan. The CMS contains a description of the means and frequency of communication to parties both internal and external to the project. It facilitates engagement with stakeholders through the establishment of a controlled and bi-directional flow of information. It will define what information the project stakeholders need and how this will be communicated. The risk and contingency plan is a systematic application of procedures to the tasks of identifying and assessing risks all along the duration of the project and for each work package. This will provide a disciplined environment for proactive decision making. Internal monitoring plan as part of internal quality assurance process will be developed as well. 15/01/16 WP6 Deliverables

25 6.3 Organisation of management meetings (including online virtual videoconferences) Organisation: preparation of travel activities; support and active organisation of management (and when possible together with dissemination) events; organisation of local meetings etc 14/09/18 6.4Project administration and reporting  Project administration and contract management: coordinating of all contract issues between the Grantholder and the EC as well as the consortium members  Financial Management: ensuring observation of programme regulations and continuous instructing of all consortium members; setting standards for financial recording and documentation at each participating institution; realisation of cash flows based on the contract etc. Reporting: preparation of financial reports and progress reports as well as the final audit; recording of administrative issues during project meetings 14/09/18 WP6 Deliverables


27 After-session remarks Necessity of updating project description: –Work packages –Activities –Deliverables –Partners’ tasks/responsibilities Proposed format: WP/A/D N o Original formulationNew formulationJustification Partner N o Original responsibilities Updated responsibilities Justification

28 WP/A/D N o Original formulationFormulationRemarks 1 - Selection of equipment for the CTEs with Interactive Class Tools / Systems, Tablets for learning systems testing, video-learning systems, accessories for end-users (web cameras), site host service (for learning technologies portal) - Equipping/upgrading of infrastructure for the CTEs (hardware, software) IDC will centralize the tender purchase and distribute to the rest of IL partners. List of equipment partners would like to achieve (2 phases) Book and journals in second phase Preferably before October Partner N o Original responsibilities Updated responsibilities Justification Gordon Each HEI in IL employs 2 or 3 staff members who will be coordinating and executing the project and are responsible for the smooth running of the CTEs. They will work on university management, train selected academic population, guarantee the dissemination of materials in hard copy and on-line, develop the piloting and organisation of trainings and workshops, prepare and contribute to the round tables, surveys for QA, provide requested documentation to the project coordinator. Collection of documents from each HEI

29 WP/A/D N o Original formulationFormulationRemarks 4 Design and approval of dissemination plan At the beginning of the project and together with the partnership agreement to be signed between partners the dissemination plan for the 3 years will be revised and approved. Original Deadline 01/16 Partner N o Original responsibilities Updated responsibilities Justification IDC Development of dissemination planOranim

30 WP/A/D N o Original formulationFormulationRemarks 4 Development of KPI and benchmarking tools Teachex foresees the development of a quality assurance mechanism specific for evaluating models for the enhancement of teaching excellence with Key Performance Indicators (KPI). The QA activity will be implemented from the project's beginning and will accompany all activities. It will include a formative and summative evaluation and the production of two reports (mid term and final). Original Deadline September Partner N o Original responsibilities Updated responsibilities Justification JU and Oranim Development of KPI and benchmarking tools JU – IQA BGU assessment of content (WP2) Oranim- assessment of dissemination plan (WP4) External – External QA

31 WP/A/D N o Original formulationFormulationRemarks 5.2 Mobile application for social content Originally foreseen to start on 3rd year Suggestion – start already as soon as possible to give shape (2 nd year) Partner N o Original responsibilities Updated responsibilities Justification Brighton and IL partners Development of Mobile app. for social content

32 After-session remarks Data/Information management –Database for dissemination –Database of coming events –Database of related projects and initiatives

33 After-session remarks Publications –Leaflet –Basic paper –Popular papers –Research/scientific papers

34 After-session remarks Project Management Package –Information management (D6.1) –Quality management (D6.1?) –Dissemination management (D5.1) Sustainability Plan (D5.5)

35 After-session remarks Reporting for Executive Agency: –Shall we show only our strengths? –Shall we present real picture of our project (including weaknesses/problems)?

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