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Vocab Chapter 10 America Becomes a World Power. Section 1.

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1 Vocab Chapter 10 America Becomes a World Power

2 Section 1

3 Imperialism O The practice of building an empire by founding colonies or conquering other nations

4 Queen Liliuokalani O Had been the Hawaiian queen just prior to its annexation

5 Spheres of Influence O Areas where foreign nations can control trade and natural resources

6 Open Door Policy O Declaration made by John Hay (Secretary of State) that said all countries should have equal access to trade in China

7 Boxer Rebellion O Chinese people were angry about foreign influence, so they laid siege to the capital of Beijing

8 Section 2

9 Yellow journalism O Exaggerated “news” stories with wild, sensational headlines

10 U.S.S. Maine O U.S. warship that exploded while stationed in Cuba

11 De Lome letter O Letter written by Spanish ambassador that said our president was weak

12 Teller Amendment O Said U.S. had no plans to take control of Cuba after helping her gain her independence

13 Rough Riders O Volunteer unit who helped win the Battle of San Juan Hill and ultimately win the Spanish-American War

14 Platt Amendment O Allowed the U.S. to interfere in Cuba’s affairs after she became independent

15 Section 3

16 Panama Canal O Man-made canal that connects the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans

17 Roosevelt Corollary O Said the U.S. was going to act as the “police officer” in the Western Hemisphere

18 Dollar Diplomacy O Policy of controlling Latin American countries by lending them money

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