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The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Act II. Act II REVIEW Presented by... Casey Ristau Dylan Gossick Brooke Ruesink Darren Hill Josh Thomas Dallas Serfoss Presented.

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Presentation on theme: "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Act II. Act II REVIEW Presented by... Casey Ristau Dylan Gossick Brooke Ruesink Darren Hill Josh Thomas Dallas Serfoss Presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Act II

2 Act II REVIEW Presented by... Casey Ristau Dylan Gossick Brooke Ruesink Darren Hill Josh Thomas Dallas Serfoss Presented by... Casey Ristau Dylan Gossick Brooke Ruesink Darren Hill Josh Thomas Dallas Serfoss

3 Act II Review Given November 25, 2008 To English 10 class Ms. Nielsen Given November 25, 2008 To English 10 class Ms. Nielsen

4 Act II SETTINGS scene 1 Brutus ’ s orchard, March 14 (the day before the Ides of March) SETTINGS scene 1 Brutus ’ s orchard, March 14 (the day before the Ides of March)

5 Act II SETTINGS scene 2 Caesar ’ s house, March 15, early morning SETTINGS scene 2 Caesar ’ s house, March 15, early morning

6 Act II SETTINGS scene 3 street in Rome near Capitol, later that morning SETTINGS scene 3 street in Rome near Capitol, later that morning

7 Act II SETTINGS scene 4 Brutus ’ s house, that morning around 8:00 A.M. SETTINGS scene 4 Brutus ’ s house, that morning around 8:00 A.M.

8 Act II LITERARY TERMS CHARACTER Brutus thinks, “ Let ’ s kill Caesar because we can ’ t live under his rule! ” LITERARY TERMS CHARACTER Brutus thinks, “ Let ’ s kill Caesar because we can ’ t live under his rule! ”

9 Act II LITERARY TERMS CHARACTER Cassius sends Brutus a letter to to take action LITERARY TERMS CHARACTER Cassius sends Brutus a letter to to take action

10 Act II LITERARY TERMS CHARACTER Lucius, Brutus ’ s servant, does his will LITERARY TERMS CHARACTER Lucius, Brutus ’ s servant, does his will

11 Act II LITERARY TERMS CHARACTER Casca Cinna Decius Trebonius Publius--Senator Metallus Cimber ALL CONSPIRATORS! LITERARY TERMS CHARACTER Casca Cinna Decius Trebonius Publius--Senator Metallus Cimber ALL CONSPIRATORS!

12 Act II LITERARY TERMS CHARACTER Artemidorus--supporter of Caesar, warns him of death. LITERARY TERMS CHARACTER Artemidorus--supporter of Caesar, warns him of death.

13 Act II LITERARY TERMS PLOT scene 1--Brutus is thinking, “ Should I kill Caesar? ” sees letter. Portia suspects--lean look! Some guy wants to help him -- ????? LITERARY TERMS PLOT scene 1--Brutus is thinking, “ Should I kill Caesar? ” sees letter. Portia suspects--lean look! Some guy wants to help him -- ?????

14 Act II LITERARY TERMS PLOT scene 2--at Caesar ’ s place, Calpurnia has freaky dreams- -DON ’ T GO TO CAPITOL!!! Decius comes by--YOU SHOULD GO! Caesar agrees. All conspirators come by, wine party. LITERARY TERMS PLOT scene 2--at Caesar ’ s place, Calpurnia has freaky dreams- -DON ’ T GO TO CAPITOL!!! Decius comes by--YOU SHOULD GO! Caesar agrees. All conspirators come by, wine party.

15 Act II LITERARY TERMS PLOT scene 3--letter for Caesar by Artemidorus. Lucius (Brutus ’ s servant) is sent to check on Caesar, go to Capitol, see what ’ s going on. Soothsayer says Caesar should surround himself with friends--it ’ s DANGEROUS at the Capitol! LITERARY TERMS PLOT scene 3--letter for Caesar by Artemidorus. Lucius (Brutus ’ s servant) is sent to check on Caesar, go to Capitol, see what ’ s going on. Soothsayer says Caesar should surround himself with friends--it ’ s DANGEROUS at the Capitol!

16 Act II MEMORABLE QUOTES “ Tell me your counsels. I will not disclose ‘ em. ” --????? you can ’ t trust me with your secret. MEMORABLE QUOTES “ Tell me your counsels. I will not disclose ‘ em. ” --????? you can ’ t trust me with your secret.

17 Act II MEMORABLE QUOTES “ Shall Rome stand under one man ’ s awe? ” --Cassius. Why should Rome be under this man ’ s (Caesar ’ s) power? MEMORABLE QUOTES “ Shall Rome stand under one man ’ s awe? ” --Cassius. Why should Rome be under this man ’ s (Caesar ’ s) power?

18 Act II MEMORABLE QUOTES “ Thou sleep ’ st. Awake. ” --Cassius ’ s letter to Brutus. Wake up! MEMORABLE QUOTES “ Thou sleep ’ st. Awake. ” --Cassius ’ s letter to Brutus. Wake up!

19 Act II MEMORABLE QUOTES “ Before their deaths, the valiant never taste of death but once. ” --Caesar? you don ’ t really know that death is coming before your end. MEMORABLE QUOTES “ Before their deaths, the valiant never taste of death but once. ” --Caesar? you don ’ t really know that death is coming before your end.

20 Act II FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE SOLILOQUY scene 1 p. 714: Brutus talking to himself--should we kill Caesar or not? FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE SOLILOQUY scene 1 p. 714: Brutus talking to himself--should we kill Caesar or not?

21 Act II FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE METAPHOR Caesar=snake, crown=venom FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE METAPHOR Caesar=snake, crown=venom

22 Act II FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE METAPHOR p. 164 “ Big ruling machine (men) take off head (Caesar) FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE METAPHOR p. 164 “ Big ruling machine (men) take off head (Caesar)

23 Act II FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE INTERNAL CONFLICT Should Brutus join conspirators or not? FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE INTERNAL CONFLICT Should Brutus join conspirators or not?

24 Act II FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE ALLITERATION scene 2 “ sights, seen lioness, streets ” “ fierce, fiery,....fought ” FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE ALLITERATION scene 2 “ sights, seen lioness, streets ” “ fierce, fiery,....fought ”

25 Act II WHAT WE LEARN Brutus is on board with the killing Caesar plan. WHAT WE LEARN Brutus is on board with the killing Caesar plan.

26 Act II WHAT WE LEARN Calpurnia almost persuades Caesar to stay home until Decius convinces him that she is making him look chicken! WHAT WE LEARN Calpurnia almost persuades Caesar to stay home until Decius convinces him that she is making him look chicken!

27 Act II WHAT WE LEARN Arte has figured out the conspirators ’ plan and writes letter to Caesar. WHAT WE LEARN Arte has figured out the conspirators ’ plan and writes letter to Caesar.

28 Act II WHAT WE LEARN Portia knows something is going to happen, soothsayer says he believes something bad will happen. That ’ s WOMEN ’ S INTUITION!!! WHAT WE LEARN Portia knows something is going to happen, soothsayer says he believes something bad will happen. That ’ s WOMEN ’ S INTUITION!!!

29 Act II WHAT WE LEARN CASSIUS IS MARRIED TO BRUTUS ’ S SISTER (PORTIA!) That means Brutus and Cassius are brothers-in-law! Sometimes family ties are stronger than ties with friends WHAT WE LEARN CASSIUS IS MARRIED TO BRUTUS ’ S SISTER (PORTIA!) That means Brutus and Cassius are brothers-in-law! Sometimes family ties are stronger than ties with friends

30 Act II WHAT WE LEARN In scene 3, women are demeaned (lowered) four times-- even by the women themselves! WHAT WE LEARN In scene 3, women are demeaned (lowered) four times-- even by the women themselves!

31 Act II WHAT WE LEARN Calpurnia almost persuades Caesar to stay home until Decius convinces him that she is making him look chicken! WHAT WE LEARN Calpurnia almost persuades Caesar to stay home until Decius convinces him that she is making him look chicken!

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