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Overview of Enrollment and Premiums in New York’s Direct Pay, Healthy New York, and Small Group Markets James R. Tallon, Jr. President United Hospital.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of Enrollment and Premiums in New York’s Direct Pay, Healthy New York, and Small Group Markets James R. Tallon, Jr. President United Hospital."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of Enrollment and Premiums in New York’s Direct Pay, Healthy New York, and Small Group Markets James R. Tallon, Jr. President United Hospital Fund May 11, 2007

2 Enrollment in the Direct Pay, Healthy New York, and Small Group Markets, New York State 2000-2007 (numbers in thousands) Source: New York State Insurance Department, 2007.

3 Individual Enrollment in the Direct Pay and Healthy New York Markets, New York State 2000-2007 Source: New York State Insurance Department, 2007.

4 Direct Pay Market Enrollment, by Product New York State 2000-2007 111,000106,000102,00094,00057,00099,00090,00072,000 Source: New York State Insurance Department, 2007.

5 Healthy New York Enrollment, by Category New York State 2002-2007 4,00020,00043,00079,000109,000132,000 Source: New York State Insurance Department, 2007.

6 Healthy New York Enrollment, With and Without Prescription Drugs New York State 2002-2007 4,00020,00043,00079,000109,000132,000 Note: Healthy New York was first offered without prescription drugs in 2003. Numbers do not sum to totals because of rounding. Source: New York State Insurance Department, 2007.

7 Average Monthly Premium for Single HMO Coverage in the Direct Pay, Healthy New York, Small Group, and Large Group Markets, New York State 2001-2005 Note: Premium data are for Article 44 Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) and pertain to their in-network HMO and of out-of-network point of service products. Source: New York State Insurance Department, 2007.

8 Annual Percent Change in Average Monthly Premium for Single HMO Coverage in the Direct Pay, Healthy New York, Small Group, and Large Group Markets, New York State 2001-2005 Note: Premium data are for Article 44 Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) and pertain to their in-network HMO and out-of-network point of service products. Source: New York State Insurance Department, 2007.

9 Direct Pay Market Stop Loss Claims and Reimbursement, New York State 2006 32% 51% 39% Note: In 2006, an additional $16 million will be directed to HMOs based upon their claims experience in the direct pay market to provide additional premium relief. Source: New York State Insurance Department, 2007. # of persons for whom stop loss was claimed: 2,932 1,756 4,688

10 Healthy New York Stop Loss Claims and Reimbursement, New York State 2001-2006 *Note: Eight to ten percent of annual stop loss funds were spent on program marketing and advertising. Stop loss claims for 2006 are estimated. Source: New York State Insurance Department, 2007. Stop loss claims have been fully funded every year. $40m $106m $15.6m $49.2m $69.2m $109.6m Annual stop loss allotments:* *

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