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Page 2 of Annual Report Book 2011- 2012 Annual Budget Hearing.

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Presentation on theme: "Page 2 of Annual Report Book 2011- 2012 Annual Budget Hearing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Page 2 of Annual Report Book 2011- 2012 Annual Budget Hearing

2 Page 7 of Annual Report Book


4 Page 8 of Annual Report Book

5 Page 9 of Annual Report Book

6 2011-2012 Budget Adoption Publication Format Page 11 of Annual Report Book

7 2011-2012 Budget Adoption Publication Format Page 11 of Annual Report Book

8 2011-2012 Budget Adoption Publication Format Page 11 &12 of Annual Report Book

9 2011-2012 Budget Adoption Publication Format Page 12 of Annual Report Book

10 2011-2012 Budget Adoption Publication Format Page 12 & 13 of Annual Report Book

11 2011-2012 Budget Adoption Publication Format Page 13 of Annual Report Book

12 2011-2012 Budget Adoption Publication Format Page 13 of Annual Report Book

13 Page 14 of Annual Report Book



16 Page 15 of Annual Report Book

17 Mill Rate Explanation Not in Annual Report Book

18 2011-2012 Revenue Limit Summary Page 16 of Annual Report Book

19 2011-2012 Revenue Limit Summary Page 16 of Annual Report Book

20 Page 17 of Annual Report Book

21 Page 19 of Annual Report Book

22 Page 20 of Annual Report Book District Levy, Equalized Values, & Mill Rate History

23 Page 21 of Annual Report Book



26 Page 22 of Annual Report Book

27 Page 23 of Annual Report Book


29 Page 24 of Annual Report Book

30 Page 25 of Annual Report Book

31 Funds 10, 27,38, & 39 Grand Total Page 25 of Annual Report Book

32 Page 25 & 26 of Annual Report Book Funds 10, 27,38, & 39 Grand Total

33 Funds 10, 27,38, & 39 Non-Salary Budgets Page 27 of Annual Report Book

34 Funds 10, 27,38, & 39 Non-Salary Budgets Page 27 of Annual Report Book

35 Page 28 of Annual Report Book Funds 10, 27,38, & 39 Non-Salary Budgets

36 Page 28 & 29 of Annual Report Book Funds 10, 27,38, & 39 Non-Salary Budgets

37 Page 29 of Annual Report Book Funds 10, 27,38, & 39 Non-Salary Budgets

38 Page 29 & 30 of Annual Report Book Funds 10, 27,38, & 39 Non-Salary Budgets

39 Page 30 of Annual Report Book Funds 10, 27,38, & 39 Non-Salary Budgets

40 Page 31 of Annual Report Book Funds 10, 27,38, & 39 Non-Salary Budgets

41 Page 31 of Annual Report Book Funds 10, 27,38, & 39 Non-Salary Budgets

42 Page 32 of Annual Report Book Funds 10, 27,38, & 39 Non-Salary Budgets

43 Page 32 & 33 of Annual Report Book Funds 10, 27,38, & 39 Non-Salary Budgets

44 Page 33 & 34 of Annual Report Book Funds 10, 27,38, & 39 Non-Salary Budgets

45 Page 34 of Annual Report Book Funds 10, 27,38, & 39 Non-Salary Budgets

46 Page 35 of Annual Report Book Funds 10, 27,38, & 39 Total Salary Budgets

47 Page 36 of Annual Report Book Funds 10, 27,38, & 39 Total Salary Budgets

48 Page 37 of Annual Report Book Districts Grant Budgets

49 Page 37 of Annual Report Book Districts Grant Budgets

50 Page 38 of Annual Report Book Districts Grant Budgets

51 Funds 10, 27,38, & 39 Grand Total Page 25 of Annual Report Book

52 Page 25 & 26 of Annual Report Book Funds 10, 27,38, & 39 Grand Total

53 Page 39 of Annual Report Book

54 Page 40 of Annual Report Book

55 Page 41 of Annual Report Book Comparative Cost Per Member for CESA 4

56 Page 42 of Annual Report Book


58 Page 43 of Annual Report Book


60 Fund 73 Reporting Page 44 of Annual Report Book

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