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Increase the tax by $1 per pack Revenue will be invested through the Health Care Reform act Help lower long-term health care costs This increase will decrease.

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Presentation on theme: "Increase the tax by $1 per pack Revenue will be invested through the Health Care Reform act Help lower long-term health care costs This increase will decrease."— Presentation transcript:

1 Increase the tax by $1 per pack Revenue will be invested through the Health Care Reform act Help lower long-term health care costs This increase will decrease cigarette use by 14% IF-H-12010- 2011 2011- 2012 Cigarette tax $218 million $211 million Health/Medicaid Option IF-H-1 Increase Cigarette Tax

2 Health/Medicaid Option IF-H-1 Graph shows the negative relationship between cost of cigarettes and consumption

3 Health/Medicaid Option-IF-H-2 Establish a Syrup Excise Tax The tax will come to a one cent per ounce increase for soft drinks New England Journal- one cent per ounce increase will reduce consumption by 10% Help reduce health care costs in New York State Money will be invested through Health Care Reform Act IF-H-22010- 2011 2011- 2012 Syrup Tax $456 million $970 million

4 Health/Medicaid Option IF-H-3 Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Prevention 40% of all Medicaid claims are “questionable” ( $18 billion a year wasted) Programmatic changes to ensure that the $300 million goal can be reached Promote efficiency, equity and accountability IF-H-32010- 2011 2011- 2012 Medicaid Fraud and Abuse $300 million $300 million

5 Health/Medicaid Option-IF-H-4 Reform Eligibility for Medicaid Closing loopholes for certain services Tighten eligibility screenings Reinstate eliminated eligibility requirements Will promote accountability and equity to the Medicaid program in New York State IF-H-42010- 2011 2011- 2012 Reform Eligibility For Medicaid $488 million $488 million

6 Health/Medicaid Option-IF-H-5 Managed Care Consumer Choice Pilot Tested program in Florida Choice Counseling and Enhanced Benefits Rewards Lowered costs in tested counties IF-H-52010- 2011 2011- 2012 Managed Care Consumer Choice $163 million $327 million

7 Health/Medicaid Option-IF-H-6 Promote Early Intervention Programs Early Childhood intervention programs save money Save money of future health care costs IF-H-6 2010- 2011 2011- 2012 Promote Early Interventio n Programs $7.2 million $12 million

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