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Hermann Strampfer Regierungspräsidium Tübingen Congress „Dual System“ in Pardubice, Tschechische Republik The Dual System as a Positive Economical Factor.

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Presentation on theme: "Hermann Strampfer Regierungspräsidium Tübingen Congress „Dual System“ in Pardubice, Tschechische Republik The Dual System as a Positive Economical Factor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hermann Strampfer Regierungspräsidium Tübingen Congress „Dual System“ in Pardubice, Tschechische Republik The Dual System as a Positive Economical Factor

2 Folie 2 Dual System Final examination at Chamber of Industry and Commerce or Chamber of Crafts (Chambers) Certificate of Apprenticeship On-the-job Training Vocational School Company Theory (Vocational Subjects) General Subjects  German  Social Studies  Economics  English (obligatory from 2017)  Religious Education/Ethics Final examination at school School Diploma

3 Folie 3  Young School Leaver Company Chambers Contract of Apprenticeship  Employee Company Chambers Contract of Employment before after  Vocational School Apprentice Company Chambers Examination

4 Folie 4 -Information -Cooperation (School-Company) -Ambassador for Apprenticeships -Apprenticeship Trade Fair -Boris-Berufswahlsiegel (Boris-Career Choice Seal) for Schools -Placement (training) Young School Leaver Company Chambers Vocational Orientation  Schools Primary Schools  General Secondary Schools (5 years)  General Secondary Schools (6 years)  Upper Secondary Schools (8 years)  General and Inter- mediate Secondary Schools (up to 6 years)  Vocational Schools

5 Folie 5  Young School Leaver Company Chambers Contract of Apprenticeship  Employee Company Chambers Contract of Employment before after  Vocational School Apprentice Company Chambers Examination

6 Folie 6  Employee Company Chambers -In-plant further education -Master craftsman/Technician -(following OECD 2259 Bachelor) -Betriebswirt (business administration)/Fachwirt -Senior Vocational School of Further Education, 1 year -Upper Secondary Vocational School, 2 years -University (also possible without Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education) -after completion of university: - return to company - start as a teacher at vocational school Further Education

7 Folie 7 Advantages of the Dual System For the apprentices:  professional high-quality, modern apprenticeship  become acquainted with the in-plant experience  training is in line with the demands of the profession  good theoretical training at the vocational school  further consolidation of general education at the vocational school  coordinated training between vocational school and companies  foreshortening of apprenticeship is possible along with very good achievements by the student  apprenticeship pay  oftentimes the apprentice will be employed at the company afterwards  manifold further education possible

8 Folie 8 Advantages of the Dual System For the company:  Company selects the apprentices by themselves  Often apprentices are the future-employees  High productivity of the apprentices  The in-plant trained employees do already have a high level of knowledge about the company  The in-plant trained employees can be given responsible tasks quickly  The in-plant trained employees highly identify with the company  The vocational school takes care of a good theoretical education  The vocational school completes and relieves the in-plant training  Companies see and evaluate a higher benefit to effort and investment in the dual system

9 Folie 9 Advantages of the Dual System For economy and society:  Quality of the Dual System is highly accepted  Central final examinations guarantee homogeneous standards  The Dual System assures high quality for products and services  The Dual System is important for innovative capacity  Employees with university degree and employees who completed the Dual System complement one another  All employees speak the „same language“  The Dual System offers a kind of high transmittance in the educational system  The Dual System effectively reduces the youth unemployment  The Dual System strengthens the economy and stabilizes the society  The Dual System strengthens the export of products and services

10 Folie 10 Youth Unemployment taken from Statistics Explained

11 Folie 11 Youth Unemployment in Baden-Württemberg (covers young people aged 15 to 24) Reasons for the very low rate:  Dual System  excellent state of the economy  less teenager per year (demography)  many high-school graduates; many students - -  Berufsfachschule [Senior Vocational School of Further Education (1-2 years)] and Berufskolleg [Advanced Vocational Schools (1-3 years)] enroll students - who do not have an contract of apprenticeship (yet) - who are aiming for a higher educational achievement Rate in July 2013: Almost no unemployment up to the age of 18

12 Folie 12

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