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Graphs GEOG 200 Dr. Rodrigue

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Presentation on theme: "Graphs GEOG 200 Dr. Rodrigue"— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphs GEOG 200 Dr. Rodrigue

2 Number line

3 Bar chart

4 More information in a bar chart: 2 categories, 3 percentages each

5 Bar chart: Using color and vertical bars to group compaction readings

6 Bar charts with confidence bars

7 Histogram

8 Frequency polygon

9 Lots of information on a line chart: Different pH readings for same soil samples (?!!)

10 Ogives

11 Climograph

12 Climographs with more info

13 Ternary charts

14 Ternary charts … animated

15 X-Y scatterplot

16 Time series (X-Y, with X being time)‏

17 XYZ scatterplot (with error bars)‏

18 Geographical zonation using principal component analysis (reducing15 chemicals into 3 components that vary intelligibly across space/time)

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