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“Sambuca makes me argue” The pleasures and perils of our national alcohol habit Andrew Misell Alcohol Concern Cymru.

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Presentation on theme: "“Sambuca makes me argue” The pleasures and perils of our national alcohol habit Andrew Misell Alcohol Concern Cymru."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Sambuca makes me argue” The pleasures and perils of our national alcohol habit Andrew Misell Alcohol Concern Cymru

2 What is Alcohol Concern? “Alcohol Concern is a small charity working in England and Wales, trying to change the conversations and attitudes people have about alcohol.”

3 Why I am here?

4 It all started in the 7th century... “Gwŷr a aeth Gatraeth oedd ffraeth eu llu, Glasfedd eu hancwyn a gwenwyn fu.” Y Gododdin

5 Or possibly slightly earlier... “And he drank of the wine, and was drunk; and he was uncovered within his tent.” Genesis 9:21

6 How much are we drinking? Welsh Government Data: 42% of us say we drink more than the guidelines 26% say we’ve drunk more than twice the daily guidelines (binge drinking)

7 But, funnily enough, we tend to underestimate.... The difference between drinking survey data and actual sales data in the UK is 225 million litres of pure alcohol per year

8 Or 90 Olympic swimming pools...

9 In simpler terms... 1 bottle of wine or 4 pints of beer, per adult per week

10 According to a survey... 200,000 people in the UK come to work with a hangover each day

11 Presenteeism

12 Even more seriously... Around 1,000 hospital admissions each week in Wales are related to alcohol And around 1,500 deaths each year: 1 in 20 of all deaths

13 Why do we drink?

14 “Every day, everywhere customers and consumers can rely on Diageo to help them celebrate life”.

15 Where are we drinking? 50% of drinkers in Wales drink only at home

16 Where are we drinking? “You can relax more at home. You don’t have to wait at the bar to be served; you can just go and get yourself a drink. You sit down and you are pretty much there for the rest of the night.” 46% of drinkers in Wales say they drink at home because it’s cheaper

17 Where are we drinking?

18 Who’s drinking? 2013 Welsh Health Survey: adults in managerial and professional households report higher alcohol consumption than those in routine and manual households Statistics on Alcohol: England, 2013: managerial or professional householders were considerably more likely than those in routine and manual occupations to have had an alcoholic drink in the last 7 days

19 Who’s drinking?

20 What makes a problem drink?


22 Can we manage without it?

23 Diolch am wrando 029 20226746 @accymru

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