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The ‘official’ state of addiction problems and interventions in the Node Cam Wild.

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Presentation on theme: "The ‘official’ state of addiction problems and interventions in the Node Cam Wild."— Presentation transcript:

1 The ‘official’ state of addiction problems and interventions in the Node Cam Wild

2 1. Overview and data sources

3 Overview  Information sources  Prevalence of substance use among  Mainstream populations: adults & students (grades 7-12)  People using drugs, including marginalized populations

4 Data sources: Prevalence in mainstream populations  Adults via National surveys: Canadian Community Health Survey and Canadian Alcohol and Drug Use Monitoring Survey/Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs Survey  Nationally and provincially representative sample of Canadians 15+ years, surveyed by phone  Data presented for AB, SK, MB  Students via National surveys: Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs Survey  Biannual survey of nationally and provincially representative samples of grade 7-12 students, in- class questionnaire administration  Data presented for AB, SK, MB

5 Data sources: Prevalence among people with higher drug use rates, including marginalized populations  I-Track: Federally funded, now in 3 rd phase. ‘Sentinal’ assessment of HIV, Hep C and associated risk behaviours drug users across Canadian cities  Recruitment and interviews via harm reduction programs in 10 cities and regions  Data presented from Edmonton (n = 249) and Regina (n = 250) in 2007-08  Respondents are 16+, injected drugs and/or smoked crack in past 6 months  Edmonton Drug Use and Health Survey  Interviewer-assisted survey of 320 socially marginalized people who use drug in Edmonton’s inner city in 2014  18+ and reported injecting drugs in past month

6 Data sources: Unmet needs for care  Gap Analysis of Public Mental Health and Addiction Programs (GAP-MAP)  2012 telephone survey of 6000 randomly sampled Alberta adults 18+ years  Edmonton Drug Use and Health Survey  2014 interviewer-assisted survey of 320 socially marginalized people who use drugs in Edmonton’s inner city  18+ and reported injecting drugs in past month

7 2. Mainstream populations

8 Alcohol, cannabis, and all illicit drug use across the Node (CADUMS, 2012)

9 Hospital-related separations (rates per 100,000 population, 2005) Source: Callaghan & Macdonald (2014) Cdn J Public Health, 100(5), 393-7.

10 Past-year use by sex, Canada (CADUMS, 2012)

11 Past-year use by age group, Canada (CADUMS, 2012)

12 Percentage of past-year users reporting harm by sex and age, Canada (CADUMS, 2012)

13 Past-year substance use, grade 7-12 students (CSTADS, 2012- 13)

14 Frequency of binge drinking among past- year alcohol users (CADUMS, 2012-13)

15 Frequency of cannabis use among past- year users (CSTADS 2012- 13)

16 Nonmedical prescription drug misuse (PDM), grade 7- 12 students by region (CSTADS, 2008-09) Source: Currie & Wild (2012), Cdn J Psychiatry, 57(12), 745-51.

17 Sociodemograp hic correlates of nonmedical PDM, Canadian grade 7-12 students (CSTADS, 2008- 09) Source: Currie & Wild (2012), Cdn J Psychiatry, 57(12), 745-51.

18 3. Drug-using socially marginalized populations

19 Drugs injected in past 6 months (% of respondents)

20 Frequency of injecting (past 30 days)

21 Non-injected drug use, past 6 months (% of respondents)

22 In the past 12 months, have you received [SERVICE] because of problems with your emotions, mental health, or use of alcohol or drugs? [information, medication, hospital care, counseling, social interventions, skills training, harm reduction] Yes, in the past 12 months No, but I think I needed this kind of help in the last 12 months No, I did not need this kind of help in the last 12 months Do you think that you got as much [SERVICE] as you think you needed? YesNo Please indicate if each of the following reasons stopped you from getting any or enough help in the past 12 months I preferred to manage myself I didn’t think anything would help I didn’t know where to get help I was afraid to ask for help or what others would think of me I couldn’t afford the money I asked but didn’t get help Partially met Not met No need Fully met

23 Unmet needs for service in AB, general adult population (GAP-MAP) and marginalized Edmonton drug users (EDUHS)

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