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Objective: You will review and describe goals for this artwork in order to draw and start painting your poster. DRILL: drill- 20 focus- 20 1.HOW DO YOU.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: You will review and describe goals for this artwork in order to draw and start painting your poster. DRILL: drill- 20 focus- 20 1.HOW DO YOU."— Presentation transcript:


2 Objective: You will review and describe goals for this artwork in order to draw and start painting your poster. DRILL: drill- 20 focus- 20 1.HOW DO YOU SAVE YOUR PAINT AND WHERE? (3+ steps) 2.NUMBER PAGE FROM 1-10. 3.Check Yes or No for each number. 4.List your 3 or more objects that you have in your poster. 5.Draw your design that you are using. Monday’s lesson- contrast of dark next to light. Take a picture in black and white. YNDescribe 1. Environment 2. Person 3. 6 word story 4. 3+ ObjectsList 3+ objects 5. Design elements 6. Analogous 7. Painted neatly-Finish painting 8. Mix your own colors 9. Repetition of imagery and color 10. Contrast- Monday’s lesson

3 Objective: You will review and describe goals for this artwork in order to draw and start painting your poster. DRILL: drill- 20 focus- 20 1.HOW DO YOU SAVE YOUR PAINT AND WHERE? 2.NUMBER PAGE FROM 1-10. 3.Check Yes or No for each number. 4.List your 3 or more objects that you have in your poster. 5.Draw your design that you are using. Monday’s lesson- contrast of dark next to light. Take a picture in black and white. YNDescribe 1. Environment 2. Person 3. 6 word story 4. 3+ ObjectsList 3+ objects 5. Design elements 6. Analogous 7. Painted neatly- Finish painting 8. Mix your own colors 9. Repetition of imagery and color 10. Contrast- Monday’s lesson

4 How to Store Paint




8 Triple check your criteria – why are you finished? Is there enough detail Outline with sharpie on dry paint Start a new drawing/ painting. Look at ideas to cease boredom list. Lettering People Vector style designs Practice portraits Practice still life objects Make up work to raise your grade. You will still receive a focus grade each day.


10 Post on Edmodo- 40 pts 5 points off today


12 Objective: You will review and describe goals for this artwork in order to draw and start painting your poster. DRILL: drill- 20 focus- 20 1.HOW DO YOU SAVE YOUR PAINT AND WHERE? 2.NUMBER PAGE FROM 1-10. 3.Check Yes or No for each number. 4.List your 3 or more objects that you have in your poster. 5.Draw your design that you are using. Monday’s lesson- contrast of dark next to light. Take a picture in black and white. YNDescribe 1. Environment 2. Person 3. 6 word story 4. 3+ ObjectsList 3+ objects 5. Design elements 6. Analogous 7. Painted neatly- Finish painting 8. Mix your own colors 9. Repetition of imagery and color 10. Contrast- Monday’s lesson

13 1.An environment- city/ landscape/ beach/ place/ space 2.Drawing of a person in gesture/ pose. (1) 3.6 word story drawn in a lettering style in shapes. 4. Images that support your 6 word story. 5.Objects or nature (2, 3, 4) 6. Design elements (5) 7.Analogous and monochromatic colors 8.Painted neatly- mix your own colors. 9.Use repetition of imagery and color. 10.Has contrast so objects stand out from each other.. Objective: You will review and describe goals for this artwork in order to draw and start painting your poster.



16 Washing your Brush


18 Uses colors that are adjacent (next to) each other on the color wheel. Similar to each other like an analogy.

19 1.An environment- city/ landscape/ beach/ place/ space 2.Drawing of a person in gesture/ pose. (1) 3.6 word story drawn in a lettering style in shapes. 4. Images that support your 6 word story. 5.Objects or nature (2, 3, 4) 6. Design elements (5) 7.Analogous and monochromatic colors 8.Painted neatly- mix your own colors. 9.Use repetition of imagery and color. 10.Has contrast so objects stand out from each other.. Objective: You will review and describe goals for this artwork in order to draw and start painting your poster.








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