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2 Three types of Heat Transfer  Conduction – If you pick up an ice cube, the cube warms up while your hand gets colder.  The thermal energy from your hand was transferred to the ice cube.  There has to be direct contact – the faster moving molecules gave energy to slower ones.

3 Three types of Heat Transfer  Conduction – transfer of energy from particle to particle  Objects must be touching each other!!  Most effective in solids, but can happen in fluids (liquids and gases).  Fun Fact-notice metals tend to feel cold? They aren't really colder-just feel that way because heat is leaving your hand and going to spoon!!!

4 Three types of Heat Transfer  Convection – More energetic particles move from location to location while retaining their energy. The particles move in currents.  Like boiling water - the heated water at the bottom is less dense and rises. As it rises, it loses thermal energy to its cooler surroundings. By the time it reaches the top it has lost enough energy to become more dense and sinks again.

5 Three types of Heat Transfer  Convection – actual movement of the warmed matter  Occurs in a FLUID (gas or liquid)  Convection is responsible for making macaroni rise and fall in a pot of heated water. The warmer portions are less dense, therefore they rise. Meanwhile, the cooler portions of the water fall because they are denser.

6 Three types of Heat Transfer Radiation – transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves  1. Can travel even in a vacuum  2. These waves carry the energy until they collide with another particle.  3. During the collision, the particle absorbs the energy from the electromagnetic wave  Ex. Putting your hand next to a fire to warm it up. Heat is transferred from the flame to your hand.

7 Three types of Heat Transfer Radiation – transport energy through SPACE!  Direct opposite of conduction-no contact needed  Ex. Sunlight-heat is brought to our Earth through nothingness!!!!  Ex. Warmth from a fire or lamp

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