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Surviving…thriving…transforming… making a difference.

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Presentation on theme: "Surviving…thriving…transforming… making a difference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Surviving…thriving…transforming… making a difference

2 Learning Agenda  Welcome  DU & MCE Overview  The Big Picture  TEP Overview  Lunch  Field work supervision  Financial Aid  Questions

3 Learning Objective  IWBAT understand DU, MCE, and TEP program components and requirements to facilitate my journey as an effective and equitable teacher.

4 TEP Mission To facilitate student growth and achievement through the preparation of apprentice teachers who demonstrate the dispositions, knowledge, and skills to become effective and equitable teachers.

5 What is an effective and equitable teacher?  Quick write:  Describe your most effective teacher.  How did this teacher impact you?  What practices will you emulate from this teacher?  What training do you need to become an effective and equitable teacher?

6 The Global & Local Context of Education: Achievement or Opportunity Gap?

7 The Gap  Internationally, the United States ranks below several nations it competes with in the global economy.  Compared to Whites, significant gaps for African- American and Latin@ students are evident in virtually every measure of achievement: NAEP math and reading test scores, high school completion rates, college enrollment, and college completion rates.  There are virtually no racial or social class differences in mental ability among infants before their first birthday.


9 The Gap: “Empty stomachs”  -ubmuoM -ubmuoM

10 The Gap: “The rose that grew from the concrete.” Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete? Proving nature's law is wrong it learned to walk with out having feet. Funny it seems, but by keeping its dreams, it learned to breathe fresh air. Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else ever cared. Tupac Shakur

11 Rose in the concrete (cont.)  60ykM8s 60ykM8s

12 Bridging the Gap 7MTg4 NdbIsA

13 The Complexity & Simplicity Change zD7M The Power of Belief UkUt7w

14 Navigating the TEP Requirements & Expectations Student Resource Site Initial Steps Field Experience Evaluation Advising Probation/ Dismissal Schedule Master’s Degree Cognate Curriculum

15 How to Survive & Thrive in TEP

16 Advice from Last Year’s Cohort

17 Tip #1 Use your time wisely.

18  Keep up with your coursework.  Find time to do things you enjoy outside of school.  Be super organized.  Use winter break to prepare for jobs.

19 Tip #2 Your Mentor is not perfect.

20 Your mentor is not perfect.  Learn all you can while you’re in the classroom  Remember that you don’t know everything (yet)  Ask a lot of questions  Take every opportunity to teach  Observe in other classes and schools

21 Tip #3 Build and maintain a support system.

22  You will cry. Make friends to cry with.  Communicate with your mentor, your supervisor, and your instructors.

23 Tip #4 Don’t forget the reason you want to become a teacher.

24 Your impact…limitless Students + Siblings + Parents + Communities + Colleagues =

25 Professionalism Heart of a

26 The Four C ’s  C ommunication  C ollaboration  C onflict  C onduct

27 Communication  BUILD relationships.  MAINTAIN healthy boundaries.  ASSUME positive intentions.  USE professional language & conventions.  LISTEN and SPEAK actively.

28 Collaboration  Work with colleagues, families, community members.  Maintain a learner stance.  Give and receive constructive feedback.

29 Conflict  Go to the source  Ask for support  Actively seek solutions  Respect multiple perspectives

30 Conduct  Ethical and legal standards  Student learning  Behavior  Safety  Confidentiality  Professional standards  Language  Demeanor  Appearance

31 Zero Tolerance Behaviors  Verbal or personal attacks  Demeaning, dehumanizing language  Disrespect

32 Fieldwork Expectations and Requirements

33 What is an Apprentice Teacher?

34  What is my role as an Apprentice?  entResourceSite entResourceSite

35 Professionalism in Fieldwork Fieldwork is a year-long job interview.

36 Fieldwork Do’s and Don’ts  Do set up a regular meeting time with your Mentor.  Do offer to help with any and everything.

37 Fieldwork Do’s and Don’ts  Do arrange to observe other teachers.  Do introduce yourself to the principal.  Do go to trainings, meetings, professional development, etc.

38 Fieldwork Do’s and Don’ts  Don’t engage in gossip (teachers, students, parents)  Don’t post pictures of students anywhere  Don’t become “friends” with your students or your mentor teacher

39 What made an impression on you? What questions do you have?

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