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Settling America: The South. Crossing the Ocean Before Columbus ● Leif Eriksson landed in Newfoundland in the 10 th century – 500 years before Columbus.

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Presentation on theme: "Settling America: The South. Crossing the Ocean Before Columbus ● Leif Eriksson landed in Newfoundland in the 10 th century – 500 years before Columbus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Settling America: The South

2 Crossing the Ocean Before Columbus ● Leif Eriksson landed in Newfoundland in the 10 th century – 500 years before Columbus and established a settlement called L'Anse aux Meadows – the only authenticated Viking site in North America ● 1398 Prince Henry Sinclair left the Orkney Islands in Scotland with 10 ships and a group of 300 and landed in Nova Scotia ● 1497 John Cabot reaches Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

3 Other Cultures' Claims ● A Muslim navigator crossed the Atlantic, reached an unknown territory and returned with fabulous treasures. ● Chinese explorer Admiral Zheng He landed in America 70 years before Columbus in 1422

4 Early Settlements in America ● In 1587 a group of settlers, including women and children, arrived on Roanoke Island, Virginia to establish a colony. ● The hoped to stay in a settlement established by 100 male explorers in 1585, but the site was demolished. ● Earlier visitors were under constant attack by indigenous people

5 ● The new settlers made a tentative peace with the Powhatans who lived on nearby Croatoan Island.

6 ● The Governor, John White, sailed away to get provisions and when he returned all people were gone including his daughter, son-in-law, and grandchild. ● Virginia Dare is the first English child born in North America.

7 ● The only clue White had about their disappearance was the word CROATOAN carved on a tree. ● The whereabouts of the colonists is a mystery even today!

8 Jamestown ● In 1607 a group of 100 Englishmen arrived in the Chesapeake Bay of Virginia.

9 Jamestown ● The settlement was part of a business venture to find gold and other riches.

10 ● The settlers were and odd mix of gentlemen who never worked, half-starved London street urchins, and tradesmen with skills unsuited to life in the wilderness. ● John Smith, the son of a farmer, who had a variety of experiences including captivity and slavery took charge and saved the colony from failure.

11 ● The colony was plagued by attacks by the indigenous people, famine and disease. ● Tobacco production saved the plantation.

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