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Contents Word News Briefings Details of the issues Nine Dash Line 南海九段线 Factors of UNCLOS Different perspectives Prospects Questions.

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2 Contents Word News Briefings Details of the issues Nine Dash Line 南海九段线 Factors of UNCLOS Different perspectives Prospects Questions

3 World News China’s President, Xi Jinping, Gains a New Title: Commander in Chief - titles-1461245897 titles-1461245897 Taliban in Afghanistan White House: Obama 'cleared the air' with Saudi Arabia - tensions/index.html tensions/index.html Japan set to pass security bills despite widespread protests - bills-despite-protests bills-despite-protests kingston-intv.cnn kingston-intv.cnn - Military drill with the Philippines?

4 Video clips: Diaoyudao event: China's Diaoyu-Senkaku Islands Air Defense Fun Zone! - 5min Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands (location, natural resources): NEWSNIGHT: Japanese and Chinese ambassadors on island dispute - 9min Resource development in the East China Sea: East China Sea ADIZ (Air defense identification zone): Two US B-52 bombers enter China's ADIZ - 3min China: If Japan can have ADIZ, why can't China? 2min Huangyandao event: South China Sea (location, natural resources): 10 South China Sea Dispute Facts - 8min Military/civilian bases built by China in the South China Sea: Rare look at China's artificial island-building project 4min How far should U.S. go in South China Sea territory dispute? - 7min Claims over the names of the sea: Philippines - China Scarborough Shoal and Mischief Reef Arbitration - 1h

5 Debate Questions 1. What do you make of the ideological bias toward China? Is it based on rational understanding of role of China thus justifiable? Do you think peaceful rising is possible for China? Or do you agree with John Mearsheimer’s view of offensive realism? (reversely proved the truth of American deliberate containment toward China) 2. Why did the Philippines respond the most fiercely to the issue among the claimants in Southeast Asia? Why didn’t they resort to peaceful negotiation with China? 3. What do you make of the American role in the issues? How far do you think the US should go in this case? Is US active engagement in the dispute area justifiable?

6 Debate Questions 4. Why did China sign the “problematic” UNCLOS, and why hasn’t America? Do you think international laws sufficient and fair means to solve international disputes? If not, why? 5. What do you think could make any of those claimants back out (on what conditions)? What if America stops its assistance under new policy of a would-be president such as Trump:)? 6. What do you make of the tightening relations between Japan and Philippines? Should China be alerted? 7. Do you think there will be wars? (seeing that North and South Koreas haven’t really engaged in any wars after armistice..)

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