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KIT – Universität des Landes Baden-Württemberg und nationales Forschungszentrum in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Funding proposal for a Helmholtz.

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Presentation on theme: "KIT – Universität des Landes Baden-Württemberg und nationales Forschungszentrum in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Funding proposal for a Helmholtz."— Presentation transcript:

1 KIT – Universität des Landes Baden-Württemberg und nationales Forschungszentrum in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Funding proposal for a Helmholtz Research Program POF III Organisation Christiane Buchwald

2 Institute for Data Processing and Elektronics (IPE) 215.05.2013 Funding Proposal Submission 1 st November 2013 Presentation of concept to HGF senate 19 th June 2013 (T. Behnke) First draft of full proposal by end of July 2013 I need strong support by centre representatives, topic leaders, etc. regarding number of FTEs, budget, description of activities, etc. Christiane Buchwald

3 Institute for Data Processing and Elektronics (IPE) 315.05.2013 Part 1: Overview (10-15 p) Strategic significance Brief summary of program and topics Structure and goals Competences Challenges Important external contributions … Profiles of the Participating Centres Brief summary of the research profile of the participating centers and partners Contribution to Cross-programme Initiatives Planned Resources Table or figure for starting year Christiane Buchwald

4 Institute for Data Processing and Elektronics (IPE) 415.05.2013 Part 2: Development and Organisation (60 p) Detailed report (structure and content) of program and program topic Challenges (optional) Development and Environment Development of the program current activities and previous works, Contents and goals Expected results, milestones Other Relevant Research Activities (Third-Party Funds, Helmholtz Initiatives?) Strategic Partners, Cooperation External contributions, important for the program Christiane Buchwald

5 Institute for Data Processing and Elektronics (IPE) 515.05.2013 Part 2: Development and Organisation (60 p) Cross-Program Activities and Initiatives Existing Infrastructures Planned Infrastructures Utilization (application, commercial aspects) Management Organisation and Cooperation (decision making process) Planning and controlling Talent Management (boost young scientists, female scientists) Christiane Buchwald

6 Institute for Data Processing and Elektronics (IPE) 615.05.2013 Part 3: Program content for each topic Challenges Current activities and previous work Objectives Expected results, milestones Christiane Buchwald Personnel

7 Institute for Data Processing and Elektronics (IPE) 715.05.2013 Part 4: Competence provided by the Participating Centres and Partners (max. 40 p) Scientific Profile, Quality and Relevance of Previous Work Research profile of the Participating Centres and partners Major activities and achievements relevant to the current proposal CVs of leading scientists Maximum 25 pages per CV: max. 1 page; five most significant publications Christiane Buchwald

8 Institute for Data Processing and Elektronics (IPE) 815.05.2013 Part 5: Indicators and Resources Christiane Buchwald

9 Institute for Data Processing and Elektronics (IPE) 915.05.2013 Christiane Buchwald Personal in FTE 2015 scientistsdoctoral studentsscientific support personnel Centre ACentre BCentre Callied programme participants Centre ACentre BCentre Callied programme participants Centre ACentre BCentre Callied programme participants Topic A66555844466667 Topic B49444533325556 Topic C46222855543334 allied LK II8 2 6 Total16911 2312 14 23 Personal in FTE 2015 scientistsdoctoral studentsscientific support personnel Helmholtzallied programme participants Helmholtzallied programme participants Helmholtzallied programme participants Topic A66158126187 Topic B4912592156 Topic C466815494 allied LK II8 2 6 Total169332336124223 Lots of tables …

10 Institute for Data Processing and Elektronics (IPE) 1015.05.2013 Christiane Buchwald

11 Institute for Data Processing and Elektronics (IPE) 1115.05.2013 Christiane Buchwald

12 Institute for Data Processing and Elektronics (IPE) 1215.05.2013 Christiane Buchwald

13 Institute for Data Processing and Elektronics (IPE) 1315.05.2013 Christiane Buchwald Programme overview : quantitative indicators recent development of absolute values 201020112012 unit Helmholtz programme ∑ (incl. allied programme participants) Helmholtz programme ∑ (incl. allied programme participants) Helmholtz programme ∑ (incl. allied programme participants) ISI or SCOPUS cited publicationsno.0 0 0 books and bookchaptersno.0 0 0 third-party fundingTEUR thereof from public agencies**TEUR thereof from foundations**TEUR thereof from industry**TEUR finished dissertationno.000 Young Investigator Groups (ERC, Marie Curie, Emmy Noether, Helmholtz, …) no.000 Selected coordinated national and international third- party funded research programmes no.000 scientific cooperations agreed uponno.000 industry cooperations agreed uponno.000 priority establishing patent applicationsno.000 Research Field specific Indicator 1 Research Field specific Indicator 2 Research Field specific Indicator 3 Research Field specific Indicator 4 Research Field specific Indicator 5 scientists*FTE programme costsTEUR

14 Institute for Data Processing and Elektronics (IPE) 1415.05.2013 Christiane Buchwald

15 Institute for Data Processing and Elektronics (IPE) 1515.05.2013 Christiane Buchwald Current personnel resources of the programme, subdivided by funding source 2013 preliminary actual Helmholtz programmethird-partyfunding TEURFTETEURFTE centre A0,0 scientists doctoral students scientific support personnel centre B0,0 scientists doctoral students scientific support personnel centre C0,0 scientists doctoral students scientific support personnel

16 Institute for Data Processing and Elektronics (IPE) 1615.05.2013 Christiane Buchwald

17 Institute for Data Processing and Elektronics (IPE) 1715.05.2013 Next months will be crucial and intense. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Christiane Buchwald

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