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Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Samantha Thompson. Francis Galton Cousin of Charles Darwin High strung personality Loved to count and measure Saw a phrenologist.

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Presentation on theme: "Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Samantha Thompson. Francis Galton Cousin of Charles Darwin High strung personality Loved to count and measure Saw a phrenologist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Samantha Thompson

2 Francis Galton Cousin of Charles Darwin High strung personality Loved to count and measure Saw a phrenologist in London Ultimately wanted to breed people Published Hereditary Genius People “inherit good or bad mental characteristics that dictate their success or failure in life”

3 Francis Galton Analyzed inheritance ◦ Family trees Coined the word eugenics Statistics ◦ Correlation coefficient

4 Alfred Binet Became a lawyer Went to medical school Learned about psychology on his own Began studying his daughters ◦ Madeleine and Alice

5 Alfred Binet Partnered with Theodore Simon Took age of the child into account Test had 30 questions of increasing difficulty Decimal point scoring system

6 Henry Goddard Worked at the Training School for Feeble-Minded Girls and Boys Stumbled upon Binet’s test in Europe Menace of the feeble mind

7 Kallikak Family The Kallikak Family: A Study in the Heredity of Feeble- Mindedness Six generations of mainly feeble-minded ancestors Reputation and social standing were sufficient tools for determining intelligence

8 Buck vs. Bell Charlottesville, Virginia Foster parents were John and Alice Dobbs Raped at 17 years old Case went to the Virginia Supreme Court m/watch?v=NnpaQ9tt WqM m/watch?v=NnpaQ9tt WqM

9 Sterilization 7 out of 8 justices agreed Carrie should be sterilized 27 states had sterilization programs States started sterilizing the abnormal

10 Discussion Question California is still found to be sterilizing people without lawful consent. (i.e. female prisoners) ◦ Do you agree or disagree? ◦ Is forced sterilization ever okay?  What problems could occur from forced sterilization?

11 Nazi Germany 1933: Law for the Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases Created hereditary health courts 82-92% of decisions were pro-sterilization ◦ 2/3 were diagnosed as feeble-minded IQ test: What does Christmas signify? Eventually even killed bedwetters

12 Britain’s Eleven-Plus Positive eugenics came into focus ◦ Bright and most gifted people Cyril Burt invented test based on Binet’s Grammar school versus secondary modern school


14 Alma, Wisconsin Arnold Gesell ◦ Born June 21, 1880 ◦ Father was a photographer ◦ Mother was a elementary school teacher ◦ Oldest of 5 children ◦ Wrote The Village of a Thousand Souls




18 Discussion Question What would you like to see for intelligence tests in the future? How do you, personally, decide if someone is intelligent? ◦ Does emotional intelligence matter? There are many admirable human qualities that aren’t measured by IQ tests. ◦ How do we decide which ones are relevant? ◦ Do any qualities determine success or failure?

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