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World Civilizations.  What is Cuneiform?  Cuneiform is the Sumerian writing system. Derived from the Latin word for wedge, cuneus.

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Presentation on theme: "World Civilizations.  What is Cuneiform?  Cuneiform is the Sumerian writing system. Derived from the Latin word for wedge, cuneus."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Civilizations

2  What is Cuneiform?

3  Cuneiform is the Sumerian writing system. Derived from the Latin word for wedge, cuneus.

4  Why is the invention of the Arch so important?

5  The arch enabled the building of more complex and spacious buildings. Also, the arch is considered one of the strongest architectural structures in the world.

6  Who were the only people that were educated in ancient Sumer?

7  Only upper class males were educated in ancient Sumer. This was for various reasons, but remember, education in power!

8  How do the civilizations of ancient Sumer and Ancient Egypt compare?

9  Differences: No belief in the after-life, no rewards or punishments after death.  Similarities: Polytheistic, diverse writing structures, and complex civilization structure.

10  Who was Hammurabi and why was his “code” of laws so important

11  Hammurabi was an ancient Babylonian King.  His “code” is one of the earliest and most comprehensive group of laws that we have found.  It was so important to his success because it kept the people under him in line and scared them into obeying his rule.

12  What are some of the things the Sumerians and Babylonians have in common?

13  The two shared many things: They farmed, domesticated animals, produced cotton and wool clothing, shared many of the religious beliefs, believed priests could predict the future, and many other similarities.

14  What 2 rivers make up the fertile crescent?

15  The Tigris and Euphrates rivers. They are located in modern day Iraq.

16  Describe an what an omen is, and give an example.

17  An omen is an event that predicts something that is going to happen in the future.  Give me a few examples…

18  Why were the Assyrians such accomplished conquerors?

19  They had the advantage of superior weapons like siege engines, better bows and arrows. What else can you name?

20  What are the 5 characteristics of a civilization?

21  Surplus Agriculture, Differentiated Jobs, Form of Writing, Calendar, and Large Towns…

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