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Using the 5E Instructional Model to Teach Life Science: an Immersive Learner Experience Facilitators: Deborah McLaughlin Andrea Robinson.

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Presentation on theme: "Using the 5E Instructional Model to Teach Life Science: an Immersive Learner Experience Facilitators: Deborah McLaughlin Andrea Robinson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the 5E Instructional Model to Teach Life Science: an Immersive Learner Experience Facilitators: Deborah McLaughlin Andrea Robinson

2 Welcome! 1. Write your name on a post-it 2. Answer the following: a. What is your role? (Example: 9th grade Biology teacher) b. What do you hope to learn today? **Take your teacher hat off and put your student hat on! Questions can be added on posters on the side of the room.

3 Rumors Activity 1. Listen 2. Share 3. Exchange

4 Engage! → On your body outlines, depict what happens when your body gets too hot or too cold.

5 Explore! Thermoregulation Lab Lab Roles 1.Directions Reader 2.Test Subject 3.Data Recorder 4.Materials Manager After you complete your data set, submit it here!:

6 Explore! 1.View the data: See Things I see in the data collected. Think Ideas that this data makes me think about. Wonder Questions and wonderings I have about this data.

7 Explain! Color Plate Activity with Thermoregulation Diagram

8 Debrief: Take off your student hat and put your teacher hat back on! Write down your thoughts about one or more of these questions: 1. Were any misconceptions about thermoregulation debunked with this set of activities? 2. What did you think about the order of today’s activities? 3. What is one take-away from today that you can see yourself using in your classroom?

9 5E Instructional Model

10 Group Learning Routines Used Today: Rumors See-Think-Wonder Think-Talk-Open Exchange

11 Data from the Homeostasis Performance Task Question: How do body systems interact to maintain a dynamic equilibrium?

12 Nutrition Unit Performance Task Question: Should crickets be added as a food for school lunches?

13 New Visions Living Environment Curriculum Visit our Curriculum Website!

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