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Workshop on RCARO Partnership Promotion and Sustainable Development 7-9 July 2009, Jeju Island, Korea Sirichai KEINMEESUKE Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP)

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop on RCARO Partnership Promotion and Sustainable Development 7-9 July 2009, Jeju Island, Korea Sirichai KEINMEESUKE Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on RCARO Partnership Promotion and Sustainable Development 7-9 July 2009, Jeju Island, Korea Sirichai KEINMEESUKE Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP) Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) THAILAND “Member States View on the Promotion of RCA Partnership” In line with UN Millennium Development Goals

2 2 Outline Appreciation for the Past RCA Appreciation for the Past RCA RCA Programme in 2009 RCA Programme in 2009 Global Crises Global Crises UN Millennium Development Goals UN Millennium Development Goals Potential and Type of Partnerships Potential and Type of Partnerships

3 3 Appreciation for the past RCA More than 90 completed Projects More than 90 completed Projects More than 20 Fields of cooperation More than 20 Fields of cooperation

4 4 Energy Planning Energy Planning Formulation of Sustainable Energy Development Strategies in the Context of Climate Change Formulation of Sustainable Energy Development Strategies in the Context of Climate Change Energy and Nuclear Power Planning Energy and Nuclear Power Planning Nuclear Power Planning Nuclear Power Planning Energy, Electricity and Nuclear Power Planning Energy, Electricity and Nuclear Power Planning Comparative Assessment of Electricity Generation Options Comparative Assessment of Electricity Generation Options Role of Nuclear Power and Other Energy Options in Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions Role of Nuclear Power and Other Energy Options in Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions Role of Nuclear Power and Other Energy Options in Competitive Electricity Markets Role of Nuclear Power and Other Energy Options in Competitive Electricity Markets Tracing Future Sustainable Paths through Nuclear and Other Energy Options Tracing Future Sustainable Paths through Nuclear and Other Energy Options Appreciation for the past RCA partnership

5 5 RCA Administration & TCDC RCA Administration & TCDC Management of Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries Development of TCDC in Asia and the Pacific Project Formulation Technical Co-operation Among Developing Countries Management of Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries Appreciation for the past RCA partnership

6 6 Research Reactor Utilisation Research Reactor Utilisation Adding Value to Materials through Irradiation with Neutrons Neutron Activation Analysis Use of Reactor Neutron Beam Research Reactor Utilization Improving Research Reactor Operation and Utilization Improvement of Research Reactor Operation and Utilization Radioisotope Production and Neutron Beam Applications Appreciation for the past RCA partnership

7 7 Agriculture Agriculture Land Use Land Use Animal Production Animal Production Mutation Breeding Mutation Breeding Food Irradiation Food Irradiation Appreciation for the past RCA partnership

8 8 Health Care Health Care Nuclear Medicine Nuclear Medicine Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Medical Physics Medical Physics Radio Immunoassay Radio Immunoassay Radiation Sterilisation Tissue Grafts Radiation Sterilisation Tissue Grafts Others Others Appreciation for the past RCA partnership

9 9 Environment Environment Air Pollution Air Pollution Marine Marine Fresh Water Fresh Water Appreciation for the past RCA partnership

10 10 Industrial Applications Industrial Applications Radiation Processing Radiation Processing Instrumental Applications Instrumental Applications NDT & Related Applications NDT & Related Applications Appreciation for the past RCA partnership

11 11 Radiation Protection Radiation Protection Sustainability of Regional Radiation Protection Infrastructure Radiation Protection and Networking Strengthening of Radiation Protection Infrastructures Harmonization of Radiation Protection Environmental Radiation Monitoring and Regional Database Harmonization of Radiation Protection, Phase IV Assessment of Radiological Risks Radiological Emergency Response Appreciation for the past RCA partnership

12 12 RCA-UNDP Projects RCA-UNDP Projects Post-Tsunami Environment Impact Assessment Project Post-Tsunami Environment Impact Assessment Project Appreciation for the past RCA partnership

13 13 15 Projects 15 Projects 1 Carryover Project 1 Carryover Project 15 Training Courses 15 Training Courses 29 Technical Meetings, Project Planning Meetings, and Progress Review Meeting 29 Technical Meetings, Project Planning Meetings, and Progress Review Meeting $476,340 Expert Missions $476,340 Expert Missions $170,000 Procurements $170,000 Procurements 2 Extra-Budgetary Projects 2 Extra-Budgetary Projects RCA Programme in 2009

14 14 Global Crises The last 50 years, the world has enjoyed prosperous era, due mainly to the availability of cheap oil. The last 50 years, the world has enjoyed prosperous era, due mainly to the availability of cheap oil. Now, the supply of oil is dwindling, oil price has ever reached $140/barrel, signifying depletion of oil resources. Now, the supply of oil is dwindling, oil price has ever reached $140/barrel, signifying depletion of oil resources.

15 15 Global Crisis Last year, our imperfect world delivered, in short order, a fuel crisis, a food crisis, and a financial crisis. It also delivered compelling evidence that the impact of climate change has been seriously underestimated. Last year, our imperfect world delivered, in short order, a fuel crisis, a food crisis, and a financial crisis. It also delivered compelling evidence that the impact of climate change has been seriously underestimated.

16 16 Long term crises are coming in front of us Long term crises are coming in front of us Socio-political crisis Socio-political crisis Energy crisis Energy crisis Economic/monetary crisis Economic/monetary crisis Health crisis Health crisis HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS Short-term crises Short-term crises Pandemic trans-boundary Pandemic trans-boundary Avian influenza Avian influenza Pandemic (H 1 N 1 ) 2009 Pandemic (H 1 N 1 ) 2009 Global Crises

17 17 Global Crises All of these crises are global, and all will hit developing countries and vulnerable populations the hardest. All of these crises are global, and all will hit developing countries and vulnerable populations the hardest. All threaten to leave this world even more dangerously out of balance. All threaten to leave this world even more dangerously out of balance.


19 19 Renewable Energy Fuels from Jatropha Curcas Linn (Black soap) Fuels from Jatropha Curcas Linn (Black soap) The yields of oil The yields of oil 4 kg/L 4 kg/L Can grow in no flood area or highland Can grow in no flood area or highland Increase productivity Increase productivity Mutation breeding Mutation breeding Gamma Gamma Ion-beam Ion-beam

20 20 Renewable energy Fuels from algae Fuels from algae The yields of oil and fuels The yields of oil and fuels Much higher (10-100 times) than competing energy crops Much higher (10-100 times) than competing energy crops Can grow practically anywhere, Can grow practically anywhere, Ensuring no competition with food crops. Ensuring no competition with food crops. Increase rural economics Increase rural economics Excellent bioremediation agents Excellent bioremediation agents Potential to absorb massive amounts of CO 2 Potential to absorb massive amounts of CO 2 Play an important role in sewage and wastewater treatment. Play an important role in sewage and wastewater treatment.

21 21 Renewable energy Fuels from algae Fuels from algae The only potential feedstock The only potential feedstock To completely replace world's consumption of transportation fuels To completely replace world's consumption of transportation fuels Increase Productivity Increase Productivity Mutation breeding Mutation breeding

22 22 PANDEMIC TRANSBOUNDARY Avian Enfluenza Avian Enfluenza Food safety Food safety Food irradiation Food irradiation Poultry Poultry Pandemic (H 1 N 1 ) 2009 Pandemic (H 1 N 1 ) 2009 poorly understood when they emerge, and this is most especially true when the causative agent is an influenza virus. poorly understood when they emerge, and this is most especially true when the causative agent is an influenza virus. need for global solidarity need for global solidarity Vaccination Vaccination Mask sterilization Mask sterilization Nuclear technology Nuclear technology

23 23 Seeking for Partnerships It is the time that RCA should seek ways to increase RCA’s partnership with other organizations which has activities in line with RCA Medium Term Strategies. It is the time that RCA should seek ways to increase RCA’s partnership with other organizations which has activities in line with RCA Medium Term Strategies. 23

24 24 Potential Partner Organization By considering joint millennium development goals 24  United Nation (UN)

25 25 UN Millennium Development Goals End poverty by 2015 ( Historic promise 189 world leaders made at the United Nations Millennium Summit in 2000)

26 26 8 UN Millennium Development Goals

27 27 UN Millennium Development Goals 1. End Hunger Reduce those suffering from hunger & poverty by half Reduce those suffering from hunger & poverty by half

28 28 UN Millennium Development Goals 2. Universal Education Ensure that all boys and girls complete a full course of primary schooling Ensure that all boys and girls complete a full course of primary schooling

29 29 UN Millennium Development Goals 3. Gender Equity Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education

30 30 UN Millennium Development Goals 4. Child Health Reduce by two thirds the mortality rate of children under five. Reduce by two thirds the mortality rate of children under five.

31 31 UN Millennium Development Goals 5. Maternal Health Reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality ratio Reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality ratio

32 32 UN Millennium Development Goals 6. Combat HIV/AIDS Halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS and other diseases Halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS and other diseases

33 33 UN Millennium Development Goals 7. Environmental Sustainability Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programs Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programs

34 34 UN Millennium Development Goals 8. Global Partnership Develop open trading and financial systems that are non-discriminatory Develop open trading and financial systems that are non-discriminatory

35 35 RCA Thematic Sectors Agriculture Agriculture Human Health Human Health Industry Industry Environment Environment Energy Energy Research Reactor Research Reactor Radiation Safety Radiation Safety

36 36 Thematic sectors to be focused Agriculture Agriculture Human Health Human Health Environment Environment

37 37 UN Partners on MDGs 1.UNDP United Nations Development Programme 2.UNDESA UN Department of Economic & Social Affairs 3.World Bank 4.UNICEF UN Children's Fund 5.UNEP UN Environment Programme 6.UNFPA UN Population Fund 7.WHO World Health Organization 8.IMF International Monetary Fund 9.UN-HABITAT UN Human Settlements Programme 10.FAO Food & Agriculture Organization 11.IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development 12.ILO International Labour Organization 13.ITU International Telecommunications Union 14.UNAIDS Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS 15.UNCTAD UN Conference on Trade and Development 16.UNDG UN Development Group 17.UNESCO UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 18.UNHCR UN Refugee Agency 19.UNIFEM UN Development Fund for Women 20.UNOHCHR Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights 21.WFP World Food Programme

38 38 Potential RCA Partners Agriculture Agriculture 1.World Bank 2.UNFPA UN Population Fund 3.IMF International Monetary Fund 4.FAO Food & Agriculture Organization 5.IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development 6.WFP World Food Programme

39 39 Potential RCA Partners Human Health Human Health 1.UNDP United Nations Development Programme 2.World Bank 3.UNICEF UN Children's Fund 4.WHO World Health Organization 5.IMF International Monetary Fund 6.UNAIDS Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS 7.UNDG UN Development Group 8.UNIFEM UN Development Fund for Women

40 40 Potential RCA Partners Environment Environment 1.UNDP United Nations Development Programme 2.World Bank 3.UNEP UN Environment Programme 4.IMF International Monetary Fund 5.UNDG UN Development Group

41 41 Type of Partnerships Information exchange partners Information exchange partners Financial support partners (donors) Financial support partners (donors) Technical co-operation partners (joint project, advice, human resource development etc.) Technical co-operation partners (joint project, advice, human resource development etc.)

42 42 Thank you

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