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The History of ETC……... Electronic Theatre Controls.

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Presentation on theme: "The History of ETC……... Electronic Theatre Controls."— Presentation transcript:

1 The History of ETC……... Electronic Theatre Controls

2 1975-1977 - The Birth of ETC Students Fred and Bill Foster develop Mega-Cue for the University of Wisconsin Union Theater. It works!

3 1978-1979 The OEM Years ETC developed the software and built the processors that were then sold as consoles by other manufacturers

4 1980-1989 Into the Market ETC develops parade control system for Disneyland Joint development of the Concept console with Disney (1982 - 1984) First generation of Expression Consoles launched in 1987

5 1990 - ETC/LMI ETC acquires dimmer manufacturer Lighting Methods, Inc. (LMI) First new factory building in Middleton Now ETC fields a full console and dimming line

6 1992 - Revolutionary Products Obsession Source Four Sensor

7 1993-1997 Many new Products:

8 1998 – Irideon Acquisition AR50 Interior Wash Luminaire AR500 Exterior Wash Luminaire AR6 Interior Spot Luminaire

9 1999 – 2000 (Our 25 th Anniversary) New Partnerships New Technologies More new Products

10 2001-2003 New Products And Acquisitions: SmartPack MultiPAR Emphasis New Revolution

11 2004 The New Building Grand Opening June 11 th, 2004 and New Additions…

12 2004 New Products CEM+ Control module and Sensor+ rack SmartFade Source Four Revolution Shutter Module

13 New Products of 2005 Smart Solutions Sensor+ SineWave Matrix II MK Congo

14 2006 New Lens Tubes 14º, 70º, and 90º Eos Control System Congo jr Net3 Gateways Partnership with Carollon

15 Our Future …Constant Growth Increased sales in international markets! Increased sales in Architectural markets! Increased emphasis on training Continual development of new technologies for the lighting industry!

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