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Updating the Dearborn County Historic Structures Survey Margaret Minzner Dearborn County GIS March 14, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Updating the Dearborn County Historic Structures Survey Margaret Minzner Dearborn County GIS March 14, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Updating the Dearborn County Historic Structures Survey Margaret Minzner Dearborn County GIS March 14, 2007

2 Introduction The purpose of this project was to update the 1983 Interim Study of Historic sites and convert them to digital format

3 Presentation Discussion  Project History  Methodology  Results  Next Steps

4 Project Origin 1983 First Interim Report of Historic Sites from IDNR

5 Project History  2005 Future Land Use Plan created by Planning and Zoning  2005 GIS Data created using IDNR Quads with locations drawn from the study  2006 Education Grant awarded  2006-present Sites verified using existing data and field work

6 Scan, Georeference, Create Geodatabase  Obtained Interim Report from public library  Scanned and georeference Quad maps from IDNR  Geodatabese creation, digitize site location

7 Methodology

8 Preliminary Project Parameters  Include Unincorporated County Sites  Exclude Historic Districts  Outstanding = 74, Notable = 207, Contributing = 402

9 Verify with Address Data  Used Indiana Ortho for Dearborn County to verify structure  Assigned PIN and address data based on location

10 Verify with CAMA Data  Ensure that there is a potential historic structure at address

11 Collect photos  When possible photos were collected from Assessor’s Database

12 Field Work  Sites that were not consistent with address, parcel, or CAMA database were field checked and photos were taken  GPS point documented at location  Incorporated into the historic structures database

13 Results

14  Changes since 1983 are evident › Some structures no longer exist › Some have changed status

15 Next Steps

16 Continuation of Field Work  Continue the update with historic districts  Add in structures that could be admitted since the 1983 survey  Develop a revised list

17 Education  Presenting findings to local groups  Online presentation of data

18 Conclusion

19 We should probably update the Historic Structures Inventory more frequently than every 24 years.

20 This project was made possible by a Historic Preservation Education Grant from: Special thanks to: Nancy N. Conner, Suzanne Rollins Stanis, Shannon Hill, and Kent Abraham

21 Paul C. Diebold, Senior Architectural Historian, Indiana DNR Division Historic Preservation &Archaeology

22 Thanks to IGIC for the 2005 Orthophotography project It's one map for Indiana. It's statewide, it's regional, it's local - it's yours!

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