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Presentation on theme: "SPENDING BEHAVIOR. IF I HAD A MILLION DOLLARS   $ 1,000,000 "— Presentation transcript:


2 IF I HAD A MILLION DOLLARS   $ 1,000,000  (20 minutes)  What would you do if you had a million dollars- Would you buy a new laptop or help out a friend?

3 IF I HAD A MILLION DOLLARS?  If you had a million dollars how would you spend the money?  Take the next 5 minutes to write about how you would spend your money!!  Group discussion

4 SPENDING RESPONSIBLY  What is the difference between a want and a need?

5 SPENDING RESPONSIBLY  A Need- Objective needs are those that are met through tangible things, or things that could be measured. Examples of these include food, water, shelter and even air.  A Want- is something that a person desires, either immediately or in the future. Unlike needs, wants are those that differ from one person to another. For example, one person may want to own a car, while another may want to travel to an exotic country.  Students need Clothing, but they need a Louis Vuitton Bag or Diesel Jeans?  Clothes in general a need, but designer clothes are a want!

6 WANTS OR NEEDS?  Go over wants and needs on the board!  Students come up and write a couple of you purchases from your million dollar lists up on the board!  Now we are going to categorize them into actual needs and wants!  Begin…

7 ACTIVITY SHEET  Wishful Wants or Necessary Needs?  Each student will be put into groups and given a worksheet with examples on them. We will now evaluate the needs and wants with several different examples.  Try and make the correct decisions!  20 minutes…Begin!…  (after we will go over as a group!)

8 REFLECTION  Think back to the beginning of class……………….  You said you would spend your one million dollars a certain way. Now after looking at the case studies has your view or perception changed at all? Would you spend the money in the same way? Why or why not? 5 minutes…Begin!

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