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Chapter 7 Managing Emerging Technologies Managing the Information Technology Resource Jerry N. Luftman.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7 Managing Emerging Technologies Managing the Information Technology Resource Jerry N. Luftman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7 Managing Emerging Technologies Managing the Information Technology Resource Jerry N. Luftman

2 Chapter Outline  Importance of understanding emerging technologies  Should organization be pioneer, leader, or follower  Best time to adopt new technology  How to introduce and appropriate apply new technology

3 Technology Life Cycle  Emerging Technology  Technology considered innovation  Still developing in capability/capacity  Pacing Technology  Technology is growing in acceptance  Key Technology  Provides competitive differential  Base Technology  Final phase of life cycle  Required technology

4 © 2004 Managing the Information Technology Resource, Jerry N. LuftmanChapter 7 - Slide 4

5 Adoption of Technology  Innovators (Technology enthusiasts)  Willing to take higher risks  Early Adopters (Visionaries)  More visionary  Early Majority (Pragmatists)  Wait for more assurance for success of technology  Late Majority (Conservatives)  Must adopt technology to stay current  Laggards (Skeptics)  True skeptics; must adopt to stay in the market


7 Moore’s Product Provider View of Technology Innovation  Early Market  Look to be first with new paradigm  Chasm  Early market interest wanes  Bowling Alley  Niche-based adoption in advance of general marketplace  Tornado  Mass-market adoption  Main Street  Aftermarket development  Flesh out potential  End of Life  Ignored and presumed in original model  Enable new paradigms to come to market

8 © 2004 Managing the Information Technology Resource, Jerry N. LuftmanChapter 7 - Slide 8


10 Strategies for Technology Development

11 Diffusion Curve

12 Managing Change

13 Learning S-Curve

14 Three Strategic Postures  Shape the future  Play leadership role in establishing how industry operates  Adopt to the future  Recognizing and capturing opportunities in existing markets  Reserve right to play  Invest sufficiently to stay in the game  Avoid premature commitments

15 Innovations Influence on Rate of Adoption  Relative Advantage  Considers degree innovation is perceived to be better  Compatibility  Higher level of compatibility with values and needs  Complexity  If difficult to learn, use, or implement will slow rate  Trialability  If easily experimental, will have better adoption chance  Observability  Degree to which innovation can be seen

16 Increasing Returns of Adoption  Learning by using  Increase in benefits technology brings as adopters gain experience and knowledge  Positive network externalities  Greater the number of users, greater the benefit  Technological interrelatedness  Existence of compatible products that will increase larger base of adopters

17 Characteristics of Early Adopters  Ability to amortize costs of learning  Ability to acquire any given amount of new knowledge with less effort  Higher level of initial knowledge about given technology

18 Assimilation Gap

19 Identifying Emerging Technologies  What Can Happen?  Keep abreast of technologies being developed  What Will Happen?  Engineering hurdles may exist  What Should Happen?  Consideration of social, political, and ethical issues  How Will It Happen?  R&D may envision product differently than actual application of it

20 Inhibitors to Emerging Technology  Delayed participation  Sticking with the familiar  Reluctance to fully commit  Lack of persistence

21 Human Resource Considerations  Availability of Talent  Best personnel to evaluate technology  Resource Allocation  Dedicated resources for evaluation and implementation  Motivation  Project failure/success is a possibility  Knowledge Management  Sharing of lessons learned  Utilize outside consultants  Protect new knowledge for competitive advantage

22 Technology Scanning  Keeping abreast of developments in technology  Books and Periodicals  Formal Studies  Personal Contacts  Professional Organizations/Workshops/Conventions  R & D Organizations  State and Federal Departments  Universities  Vendors and Consultants  Early Adopters

23 Factors for Successful Introduction 1. Identify problem and opportunity that technology addresses 2. Identify and empower a champion 3. Create cross-functional, dedicated, accountable team 4. Build supportive environment for introduction of technology 5. Identify and address associated risks 6. Manage the project

24 Technology Assessment Process 1. Scoping Establish scope/domain of technology search 2. Searching Screen technologies Search for signs/viability of emerging technology 3. Evaluating Identify/prioritize technologies Evaluate based on abilities, needs, competitive opportunities 4. Committing How it should be pursued and implemented

25 © 2004 Managing the Information Technology Resource, Jerry N. LuftmanChapter 7 - Slide 25

26 Selling Technology to Senior Executives  Sell business solution  Identify value to organization  Compare new to existing technologies  Consider range of alternatives  Create champions throughout organization  Manage expectations  Start small to mitigate risks  Look to other industries for changes  Understand iterative/evolutionary nature  Underpromise  Be honest

27 Prioritize and Focus  Prototype, demo, and show users  Be intimate with business drivers  Understand business requirements  Highlight benefits  Weigh risks  Identify those that enable new business

28 Prioritize and Focus  Identify those that are easily integrated  Measure risks and ability to absorb failure/success  Understand organizational culture  Set aside money for changes

29 Developing the Business Case  Identify business need  How does it fit in current priorities  Identify areas to be impacted  Benefits to/impact on bottom line  Competitive landscape  Identify assumptions and justify

30 Developing the Business Case  Utilize proof of concepts/prototype  Add validity to proof of concept  Evaluate implementation options  Evaluate fit  Feedback  Identify project champion

31 When to Deploy Emerging Technologies  Look at industry trends  Benchmark  Evaluate when risk of not doing it is greater than doing it  Pilot technology to validate proof of concept/direction  Utilize outside consultants to evaluate

32 Lessons from the Past  Expert predictions are fallible  Timing is relevant  Iterate and review frequently  Which new technologies become adopted is hard to predict  Consequences of adoptions take long time to become evident

33 Laws of Technology  Bigger Computers Are Better  Grosch’s Law  Smaller Computers Are Better  Moore  Connected Computers Are Better  Metcalfe  Machines May Leap, but Programs Creep  Wirth  Networks Will Triple Every Year  Gilder

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