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The Beatitudes. Think about it… What makes you feel happy? What makes you feel fulfilled? What makes you feel blessed? o Blessed: those who are in God’s.

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Presentation on theme: "The Beatitudes. Think about it… What makes you feel happy? What makes you feel fulfilled? What makes you feel blessed? o Blessed: those who are in God’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Beatitudes

2 Think about it… What makes you feel happy? What makes you feel fulfilled? What makes you feel blessed? o Blessed: those who are in God’s favour

3 Beatitude #1 Kingdom of the World I can do anything I want on my own without anyone’s help-even God’s. Desire for possessions- more stuff Success is having lots of things Kingdom of God Spiritual Childhood- I need You, God. Accept less and give more People who live a simple way of life Success is having strong faith in God

4 Beatitude #2 Kingdom of the World Suffering is pointless and should be avoided People need to work through their problems on their own God cannot help those who are mourning Kingdom of God People who “ache’ because the world is not perfect People who are supportive of others in times of need We can turn to Jesus for comfort

5 Beatitude #3 Kingdom of the World I will dominate if I have to. I will push, control, complain, worry and work on my own to get what I want Supporting others is a waste of time- I want to work on my own Kingdom of God Meek- those who are gentle and compassionate See people and creation as interdependent- We need to work together to support each other

6 Beatitude #4 Kingdom of the World If I am comfortable and safe that is all that matters. People who are homeless, or poor are because of decisions they made I can’t help those who are in need Kingdom of God Righteousness: doing what is right, doing God’s will Act with justice rooted in love Work to change situations of injustice- poverty, homelessness, world hunger People who act justly will be blessed by God

7 Beatitude #5 Kingdom of the World Eye for an eye- if you hit me, I will hit you back Desire for vengeance-getting back at others Only loving those who are friends with us Kingdom of God Those who know they need forgiveness They forgive others quickly- and don’t hold grudges against others They want loving and peaceful relationships with friends and enemies

8 Beatitude #6 Kingdom of the World I will seek what every pleasure I want, because that is what others are doing I am the most important person, and I need to follow what I want I will do favours for others- but I expect that they will also do things for me. Kingdom of God Pure in heart- are those people who have a clean soul- who are protected from violence, materialism, and pleasure seeking People who are honest and make commitments to people that are genuine, not expecting something in return They follow God’s law- with love, chastity and honesty

9 Beatitude #7 Kingdom of the World I don’t care what others think I am right- you can jump off a cliff Becoming selfish and rejecting others Fighting is a natural part of our lives Kingdom of God Peacemaker- someone who is middle making peace Show love and care for friends and enemies Jesus is the role model Prays for God’s healing for those who are fighting with each other

10 Beatitude #8 Kingdom of the World Peer pressure determines my choices- a feeling of having to fit in Righteousness is not important- I don’t want to be picked on, or made fun of Why would I fight for what is right? Kingdom of God Righteous- moral, right, good ethical, living according to God’s values Persecutions could include: being made fun of, abused, or threatened with death God will bless those who fight for what is right

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