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Land west of Grace Crescent, Hardwick Presentation to Hardwick Parish Council 23/08/2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Land west of Grace Crescent, Hardwick Presentation to Hardwick Parish Council 23/08/2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Land west of Grace Crescent, Hardwick Presentation to Hardwick Parish Council 23/08/2016

2  Provide update on application status and address issues raised by Parish Council in their formal application response.  Demonstrate that application represents sustainable development and will provide wider village benefits. Summary of Parish Response  Welcome introduction of affordable housing, however four key issues identified: - Compliance with Policy ST/6 of Core Strategy. - Ease of access to village facilities. - Lack of new facilities within application or through S106. - Increase in congestion around primary school and shop.  The presentation will address the above issues in further detail. Purpose of Presentation

3  Only ONE application submitted: S/1694/16/OL  Registered 04/07/16, determination deadline 03/10/16  5 th October Planning Committee  Consultee responses to date generally positive; additional information regarding drainage and transport currently being prepared.  Discussions ongoing regarding the S106 Contributions.  We will keep you reliably informed as the application progresses. Planning Application Update

4  Aware that this is a concern for village residents.  Discussed at length with County Highways Authority.  The Highways Authority do not consider it to pose a road safety concern.  Not an accident cluster site, Highways Authority view it as a successful traffic calming measure.  Proposal will not lead to a significant increase in traffic on Cambridge Road.  Predicted 42 vehicular movements in AM Peak Hour; equates to 1 vehicle every 1 ½ minutes.  Application accompanied by Travel Plan outlining sustainable travel measures to be introduced. Congestion around Village Centre

5  Refers to the supply of housing and as SCDC cannot demonstrate a 5 Year Housing Land Supply, it is considered out of date and attached very limited weight.  Confirmed by several Planning Inspectors.  The NPPF states that permission should be granted unless ‘any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits’.  Therefore, principle of development is acceptable as there would be very little harm arising and significant benefits. Policy ST/6 Group Villages

6  Large on-site play space (LEAP)  Allotments  Formal and in-formal open space  Connection with public bridleway  Car parking layby within The Pastures - £100,000  Affordable Housing – 39 Units  Construction jobs – Approx 421 (HBF Research) On-Site Benefits £274,760

7 Transport  Transport Improvements (funding of new bus route/ community transport vehicle, cycle parking, upgrading of bus stops) - £275,000 Community Facility  New Community Building or contribution to Parish Council - £348,000  Refurbishment of Community rooms at Primary School - £58,000 Healthcare  Contribution towards Healthcare - £50,000 Others  Upgrading of footpath between Blue Lion and St Mary’s Church - £40,000  Introduction of Street Lighting south of St Mary’s Church - £15,000  Play equipment within Grace Crescent – £30,000 Off-Site Wider Village Benefits

8 Community Facility  New purpose built centre on the recreation ground; or  Community uses remain at Primary School and contributions towards Pre-school education and community facilities made. Transport  Funding of new Bus Route (Hardwick – Comberton – Barton – Cambridge) for two years; or  Funding of new Bus Route for 18 months and the acquiring of a community transport vehicle. Options for Discussion

9 Village BenefitFinancial Contribution LEAP, Allotments, formal and informal open space £274,760 Car parking layby The Pastures£100,000 Community Transport£275,000 Community/ Education Building£406,000 Healthcare£50,000 Footpath Improvements£40,000 Street Lighting£15,000 Play Equipment Grace Crescent£30,000 Total Contributions:£1,190,760 Contribution per Dwelling (98):£12,150.61 Village Benefits Summary

10  Key issue is sustainability and given location of the site and very significant benefits the application would bring, proposals represent Sustainable Development.  Site well located in relation to key services and facilities  Scheme will not have an adverse impact on surrounding highway infrastructure.  Obligations through S106 will mitigate the impact of the proposal on local infrastructure.  Major on-site and off-site benefits associated with application  We ask that you remove your objection and support the application. Summary

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