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How Do You "Die to Sin"? Romans 6:1-14 3:23 6:23 7:14-15,19-24 6:12 "Let not sin reign in your mortal body"

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Presentation on theme: "How Do You "Die to Sin"? Romans 6:1-14 3:23 6:23 7:14-15,19-24 6:12 "Let not sin reign in your mortal body""— Presentation transcript:

1 How Do You "Die to Sin"? Romans 6:1-14 3:23 6:23 7:14-15,19-24 6:12 "Let not sin reign in your mortal body"

2 How Do You "Die to Sin"? Romans 6:1-14 Engraft this Teaching into Your Life 7:24—8:2 Power What was the Power behind Christ's Purity? AssuranceEmboldens Assurance of the outcome Emboldens Resolve! SCRIPTURE SAID SO Isaiah 53... Psalm 22... Psalm 16:10 "You will not abandon my soul to Sheol, nor allow Your Holy One to undergo decay"

3 How Do You "Die to Sin"? Romans 6:1-14 Engraft this Teaching into Your Life I Am Dead Unto Sin Engrafted Scripture was an Extension of Jesus Christ "It is written..." Mt 4 "It is written..." "receive with meekness the engrafted Jms 1:21 "receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls" word, which is able to save your souls" If you ENGRAFT: I Cor 13Love I Cor 13... you'll bear the fruit of Love I Pet 2:21Patient in Suffering I Pet 2:21... you'll be Patient in Suffering Rom 6Victorious Over Sin Rom 6... you'll be Victorious Over Sin

4 How Do You "Die to Sin"? Romans 6:1-14 Engraft this Teaching into Your Life Picture Yourself Dead Unto Sin (reckon) "Even so, consider yourself dead Rom 6:11 "Even so, consider yourself dead unto sin, but alive unto God" unto sin, but alive unto God" Picture It! See It! Imagine It! Don't Dwell on Temptations "But every person is tempted when he is Jms 1:14 "But every person is tempted when he is drawn away and enticed by his own lust" drawn away and enticed by his own lust"

5 How Do You "Die to Sin"? Romans 6:1-14 Engraft this Teaching into Your Life Picture Yourself Dead Unto Sin WHEN Did We "Die to Sin"? Rom 6:1-2 WHEN Did We "Die to Sin"? "Don't you know... baptized into His death" Rom 6:3 "Don't you know... baptized into His death" "I've been crucified with Christ..." Gal 2:20 "I've been crucified with Christ..." "If you've been raised up with Christ..." Col 3:1 "If you've been raised up with Christ..." It's something you Practice... every day! "If anyone wishes to come to Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross Daily and follow Me." Lk 9:23 "If anyone wishes to come to Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross Daily and follow Me." I Cor 15:31 I Cor 9:27

6 How Do You "Die to Sin"? Romans 6:1-14 Engraft this Teaching into Your Life Picture Yourself Dead Unto Sin Experience Being Dead Unto Sin Romans 8:1-2

7 How Do You "Die to Sin"? Romans 6:1-14 Engraft this Teaching into Your Life Picture Yourself Dead Unto Sin Experience Being Dead Unto Sin Romans 8:1-2 > > It Doesn't AnnihilateItOvercomes Law of Sin & Death Law of Gravity Law of Sp of Life Law of Aerodynamics

8 How Do You "Die to Sin"? Romans 6:1-14 Engraft this Teaching into Your Life Picture Yourself Dead Unto Sin Experience Being Dead Unto Sin Romans 8:1-2 > > I Cor 9:27 Heb 6:4-8 I Thes 5:17 Psalm 1:2 Psalm 15:2 Law of Sin & Death Law of Gravity Law of Sp of Life Law of Aerodynamics

9 How Do You "Die to Sin"? Romans 6:1-14 Engraft this Teaching into Your Life Picture Yourself Dead Unto Sin Experience Being Dead Unto Sin Personalize the Truth of Romans 6:1-3 I “What shall I say then? I Will I continue in sin so that grace may increase? I II I May it never be! How shall I, who died to sin, still live in it? I know that I have been baptized into Christ Jesus; and thus, I have been baptized into His death”

10 How Do You "Die to Sin"? Romans 6:1-14 Engraft this Teaching into Your Life Picture Yourself Dead Unto Sin Experience Being Dead Unto Sin Personalize the Truth of Romans 6:1-3 I “What shall I say then? I Will I continue in malicious gossip? hateful jealousy? lustful thoughts?

11 How Do You "Die to Sin"? Romans 6:1-14 Engraft the Teaching into Your Life Picture Yourself Actually Doing It Experience the Exhilaration of Success Personalize the Concept

12 How Do You "Die to Sin"? Romans 6:1-14 Engraft the Teaching into Your Life Picture Yourself Actually Doing It Experience the Exhilaration of Success Personalize the Concept Make No Provision for the Flesh Romans 13:11-14

13 How Do You "Die to Sin"? Romans 6:1-14 Engraft God's Word into Your Being Picture Yourself Winning the Battle Experience the Exhilaration of Success Personalize Your Own Unique Warfare Make No Provision for the Flesh


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