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*Building Support for Imperialism  United States had a change in attitude (from isolationism) and wanted to become a world power  Military, economic,

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2 *Building Support for Imperialism  United States had a change in attitude (from isolationism) and wanted to become a world power  Military, economic, and cultural superiority  Imperialism  Economic and political domination of a strong nation over weaker nations  Sources of natural resources and products  Colonies and protectorates

3 End of the Frontier  Fredrick J. Turner’s – Frontier Thesis  Josiah Strong – Gods Will/Manifest Destiny to expand  1898 U.S. exporting more than importing  Sought out wider markets in Asia, L. America, Africa  Pan-Americanism – unity against the ‘Old World’

4 Superior Races?  Biogenetic Law (Hackel)  Races developed like individuals and the primitive races stop developing at the childhood stage  Thus they need supervision  Social Darwinism  As nations competed only the strongest would survive  This argument was a way to justify expanding American power overseas  Anglo-Saxonism (John Fiske)  English speaking nations had superior character, ideas, and systems of government  They were ‘destined’ to dominate the planet  Just like manifest destiny

5 Would you treat your children like this? Missionaries in China 1905

6 “Take up the White Man's burden Send forth the best ye breed Go bind your sons to exile To serve your captives' need; To wait in heavy harness, On fluttered folk and wild— Your new-caught, sullen peoples, Half-devil and half-child…”(Kipling) “The White Man’s Burden”

7 *Expansion in the Pacific  U.S. expanded across Pacific and East Asia looking for overseas markets  Americans wanted to trade with China and Japan  Japan only allowed trade with Chinese and Dutch  President Pierce sent Commodore Perry to Japan to negotiate a treaty…as a result - two Japanese ports were open for American trade


9 *Sugar  A recession hit Hawaii in 1872  The US exempted Hawaiian sugar from tariffs (taxes) which increased production, property values, and interests in the “Kingdom” of Hawaii  Treaty renewal - on one condition…the Senate insisted HI give the US exclusive rights to have a naval base at Pearl Harbor  Boom in Hawaiian Sugar industry

10 McKinley Tariff…economic blow to Hawaii  The McKinley Tariff in 1890 gave subsidies (extra $) to sugar producers on the U.S. mainland  This causes the Hawaiian economy to decline in the islands  Those rich plantation owners did not like the road to ‘bust’ from ‘boom’

11 *Queen Liliuokalani Aloha `oe, aloha `oe E ke onaona noho i ka lipo One fond embrace, A ho`i a`e au Until we meet again Farewell to you, Farewell to you The charming one who dwells in the shade bowers One fond embrace, ‘Ere I depart Until we meet again

12 Overthrowing a Queen…  She becomes queen of Hawaii  She disliked the influence American settlers had in the islands, but was ‘westernized’ herself in dress and manners and education  1893 a group of planters supported by the US MARINES (not the government) overthrow her monarchy  Group of Planters set up a temporary government and the Bayonette Constitution…  They asked the U.S. to annex the islands…  led by a man named DOLE who would become the President of the new provisional government

13 Yes the Pineapple ‘Dole’  “pine of the indies” Dole was the Pineapple King  Bought Lanai and made it a 20k acre pineapple plantation that was in operation until 1992  Once the main source of pineapples Hawaii produces only 2% (Mostly from Maui Pineapple Company)

14 “Free Liliu” BET This song is a contemporary telling of her overthrow and her wish to save her people from bloodshed…Listen… What is the tone of the song (Happy? Righteousness?) Who will stand on trial?

15 *Coup E’tat – A sudden and decisive change in government illegally or by force

16 Bayonette Constitution… =Wao+Lani&treasure=344&offset=0 “gross immorality” “scandalous Government” -Does she look ‘westernized’ or like her real pictures? -what is holding up her island nation?




20 Formal Apology…  A Formal apology was issued to the Native Hawaiians by the Clinton Administration on behalf of the U.S. role in the Monarchy overthrow  It is a long apology - with a long list of things to apologize for…10 pages worth!

21 Hawaiian Flag

22 Latin America  U.S. wanted to increase influence in L.A. by selling more product there  Sect. of State Blaine proposed Pan Americanism  Latin Americans agreed to Commercial Bureau of the American Republics  Meant to promote cooperation among nations of the Western Hemisphere….Today it is called the OAS or Organization of American States  Goals of Pan-Americanism conference:  Create trade relations  Peaceful dispute protocol  Latin Americans REJECTED both goals


24 Building A Modern Navy  Alfred T. Mahan’s “The Influence of Seapower Upon History”  To be a dominant force in the world the a nation needed a Powerful Navy to control the Seas  Lodge & Beveridge (Senators) pushed for construction of a Powerful Navy  Just in time for the Spanish American War

25 Review Questions  Why did Americans increasingly support imperialism during the 1880s?  How did the United States expand in the Pacific?  What were the two goals of the first Pan-American conference?  What were the ideas that convinced Congress to pay for building a strong, modern, Navy?

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