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USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Incident counts by initial modality figure 7.1 patients age 19 years & younger.

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Presentation on theme: "USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Incident counts by initial modality figure 7.1 patients age 19 years & younger."— Presentation transcript:

1 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Incident counts by initial modality figure 7.1 patients age 19 years & younger

2 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Incident rates by initial modality figure 7.2 per million population, age 19 years & younger, adjusted for age, gender, & race

3 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Trends in pre-emptive transplants by age figure 7.3 age calculated at time of transplantation

4 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Trends in median time on dialysis prior to transplant by age figure 7.4 times are for transplants performed in the given year

5 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr EPO use prior to initiation: males figure 7.5 incident ESRD patients, 1998–2000 combined

6 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr EPO use prior to initiation: females figure 7.5 incident ESRD patients, 1998–2000 combined

7 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Hemoglobin levels at initiation: males figure 7.6 incident ESRD patients, 1998–2000 combined

8 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Hemoglobin levels at initiation: females figure 7.6 incident ESRD patients, 1998–2000 combined

9 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Percent of patients receiving EPO figure 7.7 incident ESRD patients, 1995–2000 combined, by state, unadjusted Percent of patients 46.5+ (57.2) 39.8 to <46.5 36.2 to <39.8 31.5 to <36.2 below 31.5 (27.4)

10 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Mean hemoglobin figure 7.7 incident ESRD patients, 1995–2000 combined, by state, unadjusted Hemoblobin (g/dl) 9.6+ (9.8) 9.3 to <9.6 9.1 to <9.3 8.8 to < 9.1 below 8.8 (8.6)

11 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in children & adults at initiation of ESRD figure 7.8 incident ESRD patients

12 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Geographic variations in estimated glomerular filtration rates (eGFR): age < 10 figure 7.9 incident ESRD patients, 1995–2000 combined, by state, unadjusted eGFR (ml/min) 12.5+ (15.2) 11.5 to <12.5 10.3 to <11.5 9.7 to < 10.3 below 9.7 (8.2)

13 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Geographic variations in estimated glomerular filtration rates (eGFR): age 10–19 figure 7.9 incident ESRD patients, 1995–2000 combined, by state, unadjusted eGFR (ml/min) 12.5+ (15.8) 11.5 to <12.5 10.3 to <11.5 9.7 to <10.3 below 9.7 (9.1)

14 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Trends in body mass index (BMI): ages 5-9 & 10-14 figure 7.10 incident ESRD patients

15 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Trends in body mass index (BMI): ages 15-19 & 20+ figure 7.10 incident ESRD patients

16 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Physical characteristics: height figure 7.11 incident ESRD patients, 1998–2000 combined

17 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Physical characteristics: weight figure 7.11 incident ESRD patients, 1998–2000 combined

18 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Physical characteristics: BMI figure 7.11 incident ESRD patients, 1998–2000 combined BM I (k g / m 2 )

19 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Trends in incident rates figure 7.12 patients age 0–19, adjusted for age, gender, & race

20 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Body mass index (BMI) by primary diagnosis: glomerulonephritis figure 7.13 incident ESRD patients, 1998–2000 combined

21 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Body mass index (BMI) by primary diagnosis: secondary GN/vasculitis figure 7.13 incident ESRD patients, 1998–2000 combined

22 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Body mass index (BMI) by primary diagnosis: cystic kidney/hereditary/congenital diseases figure 7.13 incident ESRD patients, 1998–2000 combined

23 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Trends in body mass index by primary diagnosis figure 7.14 incident ESRD patients, age 0–19

24 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Characteristics of patients who return to dialysis after graft failure: eGFR figure 7.15 incident ESRD patients transplanted in 1995

25 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Characteristics of patients who return to dialysis after graft failure: hemoglobin figure 7.15 incident ESRD patients transplanted in 1995

26 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Characteristics of patients who return to dialysis after graft failure: EPO use figure 7.15 incident ESRD patients transplanted in 1995

27 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Percent patients with glomerulonephritis figure 7.16 incident ESRD patients, age 0–19, 1995–2000 combined, by state, unadjusted Percent of patients 41.4+ (45.4) 33.9 to <41.5 29.2 to <33.9 27.7 to <29.2 below 27.7 (22.8) Insufficient data

28 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Treatment modality two years following ESRD onset: males figure 7.17 incident Medicare patients, 1996–1998 combined

29 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Treatment modality two years following ESRD onset: females figure 7.17 incident Medicare patients, 1996–1998 combined

30 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Trends in the number of total first & repeat transplants figure 7.18 patients age 0–19, by donor source

31 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Kaplan-Meier five-year patient survival figure 7.19 incident dialysis & transplant patients, 1994–1995 combined

32 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Kaplan-Meier five-year patient survival after first transplant: cadaveric transplants figure 7.20 1993–1994 combined

33 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Kaplan-Meier five-year patient survival after first transplant: living donor transplants figure 7.21 1993–1994 combined

34 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Hemoglobin levels & cardiovascular comorbidity figure 7.22 incident & prevalent patients, age 0–19, 1995–1999 combined

35 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Percent of patients with cardiovascular disease figure 7.23 point prevalent patients, surviving the 1 st 6 months on dialysis

36 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Diabetes & cancer in transplant patients figure 7.24 patients transplanted between 1996 & 2000

37 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Epstein-Barr testing figure 7.25 incident patients, age 0–19, 1994–1997 combined

38 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Hospital admissions for infection (overall): age figure 7.26 incident & prevalent ESRD patients, 1998–2000 combined

39 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Hospital admissions for infection (overall): gender figure 7.27 incident & prevalent ESRD patients, 1998–2000 combined

40 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Causes of death by modality: gender figure 7.28 prevalent patients, age 0–19, 1998–2000 combined Causes of death 1-Cardiac arrest 2-Cardiac, other 3-Cardiovascular disease 4-Infection 5-Malignancy

41 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Causes of death by modality: race figure 7.29 prevalent patients, age 0–19, 1998–2000 combined Causes of death 1-Cardiac arrest 2-Cardiac, other 3-Cardiovascular disease 4-Infection 5-Malignancy

42 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Hemoglobin levels by EPO & iron use figure 7.30 period prevalent hemodialysis patients, age 12–17

43 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Hemoglobin levels by patient age figure 7.31 period prevalent hemodialysis patients, 1998–2000 combined

44 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Hemoglobin levels by iron & EPO use figure 7.32 period prevalent hemodialysis patients, age 0–19, 1998–2000 combined

45 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Hemoglobin levels by iron & EPO use figure 7.32 period prevalent hemodialysis patients, age 0–19, 1998–2000 combined (cont.)

46 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Dialysis therapy in hemodialysis patients, by age & race figure 7.33 hemodialysis patients, 2000

47 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Vascular access use & insertion rates: demographics figure 7.34 period prevalent HD patients, age 0–19, 1998–2000 combined

48 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Vascular access use & insertion rates: insertion rates figure 7.34 period prevalent HD patients, age 0–19, 1998–2000 combined

49 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Vascular access use & insertion rates: catheter days (permanent catheters) figure 7.34 period prevalent HD patients, age 0–19, 1998–2000 combined

50 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Vascular access use & insertion rates: days per insertion (permanent catheters) figure 7.34 period prevalent HD patients, age 0–19, 1998–2000 combined

51 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Preventive healthcare: vaccinations figure 7.35 prevalent ESRD patients, age 0–19, 2000

52 USRDS USRDS 2002 adr Preventive healthcare: glycosylated hemoglobin testing figure 7.36 prevalent diabetic ESRD patients, age 0–19, 2000

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