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Citizen Engagement Workshop Session on Kenya's decentralization program Global Partnership for Social Accountability Forum May 19, 2016 Panelists: Chris.

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Presentation on theme: "Citizen Engagement Workshop Session on Kenya's decentralization program Global Partnership for Social Accountability Forum May 19, 2016 Panelists: Chris."— Presentation transcript:

1 Citizen Engagement Workshop Session on Kenya's decentralization program Global Partnership for Social Accountability Forum May 19, 2016 Panelists: Chris Finch, Al Kags, Annette Omolo Kenya Accountable Devolution team members: Annette Omolo, Philip Jespersen, Jane Kiringai, Lucy Musira, Jens Christensen, Muratha Kinuthia, Peter Lilford, Tina Owour, Lisa Schmidt Citizen Engagement in Kenya’s young Decentralization

2 Three years into an ambitious devolution... C HANGING C ONTEXT :

3 County govts face dual task: 1. build new county institutions and 2. deliver services In a challenging context  Rapid political, fiscal and administrative decentralization, among most ambitious in the world.  High public expectations and visibility  US$3 billion per year transferred national  counties Establishing new county institutions and systems …  Strengthening core systems (e.g., planning, PFM, HR, M&E)  National government capacity support …while simultaneously delivering county services  Health, agriculture, urban, local infrastructure, etc

4 Key feature of Kenya’s devolution is strong focus on citizen engagement (2010 Constitution, laws) Transparency Accountability Participation Disclosure of information: Citizen right to information; clear fiscal reporting and citizen access to timely accurate information on budgets, government programs and results; Responsiveness and answerability: Accountability in financial matters. Independent Commissions to oversee implementation of constitutional provisions, handle citizen complaints Public consultation and decision making: Public shall be engaged in budget and policy formulation, planning and social service delivery priority setting

5 …with mixed results on implementing CE requirements 5

6 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT | As part of Kenya devolution collaboration... Fiscal Knowledge Program Public Financial Management and Human Resources Social accountability and citizen engagement M&E, Performance mgmt & open data Devolved sector support and knowledge management World Bank support in 5 devolution focus areas

7 Government/CSOs partnering with WB to build enabling environment for citizen engagement Key strands on Citizen Engagement enabling environment 1.Analytical work  policy reforms, guidelines 2.Sub-national PFM and social accountability 3.County performance and open data 4.Results-based financing 5.Strengthening social accountability in projects

8 1. Analysis, policy advice on participation Inputs to devolution legal framework Working paper series with Kenya School of Government and MoDP Public Participation Guidelines -- MoDP

9 2. Sub-national PFM and social accountability Building capacity of county officials on CE in planning, budgeting, investments a.PFM Classroom Training (KSG) b.Technical Assistance on PFM c.Participatory Budgeting

10 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT | (still under development) From open data and Citizen engagement to Increased accountability County performance and open data 3. County performance and open data

11 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT | Core county indicators: Budget implementation Development results Service delivery County capacity (APA) Data sources (official statistics): Controller of Budget Kenya National Bureau of Statistics Line ministries Linking data producers and users: MoUs 3. (cont’d) County performance and open data

12 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT | Results-based financing (performance grants) 4. Results-based financing (performance grants) Kenya Devolution Support Program: a $200m Program-for-Results credit to GoK Objective: strengthen national & county institutions for devolved service delivery $200 m World Bank credit to supplement existing NCBF resources  $160 m to counties through new Capacity & Performance Grants  $40 m to national government to strengthen devolution support (guidelines, training, in-county TA) Government-led and executed Covers four years – FY16/17 to FY19/20 Complements existing devolution capacity building Approved March 2016

13 OBJECTIVE: Strengthened institutions for devolved service delivery $40m for national government results : Guidelines, systems Training modules In-county TA Audits Peer-to-peer $160m for county govt results - via Capacity & Performance Grants transferred to counties - for capacity building and investments Kenya Devolution Support Program $200 million Public Financial Management Human resources management Planning and M&E Civic education and public participation Results-based financing (performance grants) 4. Results-based financing (performance grants)

14 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT | Social accountability in projects 5. Social accountability in projects

15 Engagement with Civil Society

16 Elements of our approach  Focus during time of transition  Focus on development results: how SA/CE contributes  Focus on government institutions and systems  WB comparative advantage  CE/SA through the lens of government capacity and systems  SA/CE embedded within broader decentralization and public sector reforms: PFM, governance, M&E, inclusion  Essential – very limited chance to sustain standalone CE  Depends on people, but habits & incentives can impede  Tapping into global experience

17 Questions and next steps  Focus on Government systems vs. Civil society  Focus on institutional capacity vs. service delivery?  Linking with demand-side initiatives:  Other partners and actors often have much larger programs and resources working with civil society, but not always aligned with ”supply side” initiatives  Enhancing CSO capacity to build grassroots constituencies, build coalitions, reach under-served areas. on building roots and reaching underserved areas

18 Links: Kenya devolution & social accountability County Public Participation Guidelines launched by the Ministry of Devolution and Council of Governors April 27, 2016 (and hosted on the Ministry’s website): Feature Story : Video overview : Kenya Social Accountability Working Papers: pnb_derived_srt&sortType=asc Six Case Studies of Local Participation in Kenya: delivery-action-plan-lasdap-constituency-development-fund-cdf-water-action-groups-wags-vol-2-2 Kenya Open Data Initiative – government data portal: Kenya Open County portal (still under development). A joint initiative of the Council of Governors and the Open Institute (supported by the WB) GPF Learning Series: Accountable Devolution Program in Kenya: 1343934891414/9059_GPFLearningSeries_Kenya_Web.pdf

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