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Meeting the demands of International Students at Warwick.

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting the demands of International Students at Warwick."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting the demands of International Students at Warwick

2 Introductions Karen Barker – Careers Consultant (Careers Centre) Katie Neale – Employer Services Co-ordinator (Careers Centre) Laura du Plessis – Senior International Student Adviser (International Office)

3 Our Journey so far……… “One’s destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things” (Henry Miller)

4 Scope of the workshop Our experiences of setting up an International Careers Fair How we work in partnership with our International Office Open Discussion

5 Warwick’s International Profile 3,390 + students (21% of total student population) Over 100 countries represented Highest number coming from Asia (2,700 +) Numbers set to continue rising in line with Warwick’s 2015 strategy

6 Key Challenges Understanding of British career-seeking model Managing expectations regarding careers provision Provision of international LMI Engagement with part-time/vacation/voluntary work and extra-curricular activities English language skills for the workplace Guidance Models – do they take account of cultural differences ?

7 Our IS Strategy Provide LMI and employer contact for those who wish to return to home country To support students who wish to remain in the UK after graduation To develop a better understanding of overseas recruitment/selection practices Improve the participation of international alumni in careers-related projects To work in partnership with relevant stakeholders

8 The International Careers Fair – The early days…..

9 Why bother? c.21% of students are international Small percentage of students successful in staying in the UK after graduation Response to Warwick IS Survey 05/06 –Expect a return on their investment –35% intend to return home with 40% uncertain about final destination –40% felt too little information on UK and overseas opportunities

10 Who is the fair aimed at? Students Postgraduate and undergraduate students seeking a career primarily back in their home country, but also in the UK UK/EU students seeking work experience overseas

11 Who is the fair aimed at? Employers Multinationals with offices in UK & overseas UK based firms seeking global expansion Overseas Government & Public organisations – strong focus on Asia in first year NGOs and other organisations recruiting UK/EU students overseas work

12 Contributing Work; Internal Information Officer – trip to China (Easter 2006) Hong Kong Placement Student (2 weeks per year) International Students gathering LMI –Paid basis over the Summer Vacation –Work Experience Bursary students

13 Contributing Work; External Beijing & Shanghai International Office reps Hong Kong Alumni Rep CBI West Midlands & CBI Beijing offices Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Coventry City Council

14 Preparatory Programme Marketing Campaign Fair Guide released 10 days prior to event 3 x Preparatory Workshops – CC led Joint workshop with IO and CC – ‘How employers recruit in the UK’ CAL language workshops Input from various international student societies (e.g. Chinese & Hong Kong Soc) Mock Interviews

15 On the day itself Networking lunch with Employers, Pro-VC, Society Presidents 20+ Exhibitors 12 x 30 minute Presentations Tailored short-guidance advice Employer Interviews (e.g. Allen & Overy) 800 + students in attendance

16 Challenges encountered Companies based overseas won’t necessarily travel over to the UK just for a fair Multinationals – absence of international recruitment strategy? Getting to the right overseas graduate recruiter See international students at our other fairs Companies based overseas want UK students

17 International Careers Fair – Year 2 Building on success Put fair on commercial footing Some early bookings, all set for a good number…… But bookings dropped off Repeat Business – around 40% So…new companies had to be found

18 The Day itself 26 exhibitors (2 dropped out at last minute) Networking Lunch – again successful Over 900 students in just 3 hours Reflections and moving forward to 2008 –08 Fair should proceed along broadly the same lines –And we would focus on trying to build up the information element

19 International fair 2008 The planning –Looked at what organisation could be invited to build information angle –Alumni profiles –Networking lunch –‘Focus on International Programme’ The event – our vision –Information area –Main fair –Networking lunch –Alumni profiles –Work experience Going forward… ask us after 30 th October 2008

20 Conclusion Learnt a lot about how different companies recruit internationally, still more to learn! Our focus has shifted over the years The longer view - it takes time to build up contacts, and time to get new exhibitors on board We believe the international fair provides a unique opportunity to bring together students and employers who have a shared interest in global opportunities, and we are hoping to convince more organisations of this in the future!

21 Working in Partnership with the International Office

22 Key Challenges Understanding of British career-seeking model Engagement with part-time/vacation/voluntary work and extra-curricular activities English language skills for the workplace Unclear definitions printed on visa vignettes Academic department understanding of work permissions during studies Employer understanding of work permissions during studies and post-study options

23 Response to challenges Student-focused Internal awareness-building Employer-focused

24 Student-focused support One-to-one advice on working permission information, post-study employment options, checking applications Advisers trained to advise on student and all post-study work visas and dependant visas Advice provision for prospective and current students and alumni Website and guidance leaflet information to take away Workshops on applying under specific schemes

25 Student-focused support cont’d Joint sessions between Careers Centre and International Office on job-hunting in the UK for international students ‘Voluntary year-out scheme’ which meets immigration requirements for students, and recommendation that international students planning a ‘year-out’ seek immigration advice in advance Support for students to better link common volunteering opportunities such as Orientation and One World Week to demonstrating transferable skills and experience when applying for work

26 Internal awareness-building Regular briefings for Careers Consultants on changes in immigration law and work schemes Updating Careers Centre with details of upcoming workshops Information on post-study work scheme circulated to departments and included on ‘insite’ news roundup for all University staff Information in personal tutor guidelines on immigration support available from International Office Liaison with University’s overseas offices to help identify prospective employers

27 Employer-focused support Provision of letters confirming a student’s eligibility to work or to apply under post-study work schemes Preparation of booklet to be sent to local SMEs to outline profile of Warwick international students/graduates, and details of immigration schemes and advice available Launch event for guidance booklet to enable employers to visit University and meet Careers Consultants and Immigration Advisers

28 Open Discussion What challenges have you faced? What ideas do you have for increasing employer understanding of immigration issues What more can we do to encourage overseas employers to attend Careers Fairs?

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