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Niche Desire Webinar Series By Sarvesh Shrivastava.

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Presentation on theme: "Niche Desire Webinar Series By Sarvesh Shrivastava."— Presentation transcript:

1 Niche Desire Webinar Series By Sarvesh Shrivastava

2 Who Am I?  I am Sarvesh Shrivastava, an 18-year-old guy.  I am based in India and have been making Five figure $$$$$ per month online.  I got a computer and an Internet connection very early in my life  Made my first $124 online through Adsense  Got Huge success with Niche Sites  Started sharing my journey at  Read more here: to-myself/

3 Why Niche Sites  Easier than other money making methods  Completely Passive: Rank and forget  Can be outsourced completely  Huge Opportunities to Scale  Various ways to Monetize  A Dedicated Community For your Help

4 Types Of Niche Sites  There are several type of niche sites based on monetization.  In this webinar, we will discuss the two most popular type of niche sites:  Adsense Based Sites  Amazon Affiliate Based Sites

5 Adsense Based Niche Sites  Niche sites that are primarily monetized using Adsense.  Adsense sites are better than Affiliate sites because: 1) Easier to rank 2) No worries of conversion

6 Criteria Of a Winning Niche  For a winner niche, the combined search volume of related keywords should be above 30k.  CPC (Cost per click) of the keywords should be above $2 on an average.  KC Score should be under 30. In some cases, KC up to 40 is also manageable. Anything above that is to be left one. (New KC score -> add 10)  It’s a green signal if other niche sites ranking for the keywords.  If authority sites occupy the majority of top 10 spots, that’s a no go.  If there are tons of high authority links pointing to the top 5 results sites, stay clear.

7 5 Step Process For Finding Keywords  Find Broader keywords in a niche  Use LTP to generate thousands of related keywords.  Filter the Keywords.  Do a Manual Analysis of Competition.  Rinse and Repeat.

8 Finding Broad Keywords  Start With Wikipedia  Relevant Forums  SEMRUSH  Plug them into Long Tail Pro  Apply Filters: CPC > $2 Searches > 1000

9 Amazon Affiliate Sites  Different than Adsense Sites  Need Less but targeted visitors  Target keywords with buyer intent  Basic Requirements: Monthly Search Volume Of All keywords > 5k Product Pricing > $50

10 Finding Niches  Find the Keywords Big Review sites are ranking for. Use SEMRUSH  Look at Amazon Products Directly

11 Secret Tip: Find A Weak Niche Site  I do it all the time  Find a niche site that looks weak in terms of backlinks  Copy everything they are ranking for  Each Keyword  Done

12 Another Secret: Flippa  Flippa is a great marketplace  Use it for your benefit  Find sites that are recently sold and earn good money  Use Filters  Check their backlink profile  COPY

13 That’s it  Take ACTION  Don’t let it be just another webinar  There are NO secrets  Everything that works is available for FREE  Don’t Just Read, ACT

14 BONUS!!  Win Free One Hour One to One call with me!!  Discuss your problems, places where you are stuck  Get working solutions to your problems  SUBSCRIBE Now!!  Winner will be chosen RANDOMLY from the subscribers list.  Best of Luck!!

15 Resources  Niche Site Guide: sites/ sites/  How I ranked for an 11 Million Monthly Search Volume Term: keyword-site-case-study/ keyword-site-case-study/

16 Follow Me  Facebook:  Twitter:  Email:  Website:

17 Join Niche Desire Mastermind!!  Join Niche Desire Facebook group here: 34360439980297/ 34360439980297/

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