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A short introduction for primary teachers.

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1 A short introduction for primary teachers


3 What is the TEACH:RE Complete course? Distance Learning, but with possibilities for local collaboration Start at any time One-to-One support from a tutor One compulsory module focused on rationale, research and pedagogy Two Modules of your choice which may focus subject knowledge, classroom practice, curriculum design or leadership of the subject Opportunity to complete at different standards Certificate of completion

4 How will the TEACH:RE Course benefit me? Since completing the course I feel much more confident in the classroom, even when asked difficult questions, especially from Year 6! ( Sharon) This course was a steep learning curve for me, it highlighted my huge gap of knowledge that I had for Islam & Buddhism. I thoroughly enjoyed this research, as ‘becoming the student’ myself enabled me to explore these faiths in a detail I have never done before (Catherine) Confidence Subject Knowledge Develop a rationale Become a researcher Focuses on teaching Collaboration with others Certificate of completion Impact on learning Supports Teacher Standards Preparation for a Masters

5 How will the TEACH:RE course benefit my school? Develops your role as a middle leader Links research and practice Develops subject knowledge for teaching Supports school improvement Promotes challenging teaching and learning CPD which can provide CPD for others Supports innovative practice Supports the RE Quality Mark Makes links with the local community Promotes professional dialogue

6 Do I have to do the course on my own? Modules 2 and 3 are essay based so they are probably best done by yourself Module 4 involves creating a presentation for your peers. This could be shared at a network or staff meeting Module 5 involves creating a scheme of learning. This could be shared and developed with colleagues. Module 6 involves creating a resource to use with pupils, and evaluating it. This could be a good opportunity to involve pupil voice activities or perhaps use it for a lesson study activity Module 7 involves visiting a place of worship which could be undertaken with colleagues and pupils. Modules 8 and 9 require you to engage with your colleagues to review RE in your school and to consider areas for improvement together. In addition, we are looking for networks of teachers who may want to collaborate more formally by creating a local ‘cohort’.

7 I’m interested…how much time will I need to commit? There are three routes through the course: Standard ( one term per module) Fast Track ( one month per module) Super Fast Track ( one week per module) Each Module takes between 12-15 hours to complete.

8 On the home page, ‘click’ on Teach RE and a drop down menu will appear. You can click on the tabs for more information, or go straight to the ‘apply’ tab and complete the online form. Information about payment is also available on the website. How do I apply?

9 Further opportunities with Culham St Gabriel’s Considering a Masters with an RE pathway? Have you considered the 3forRE programme offered through Culham St Gabriel’s? s s

10 I’d like more information… To discuss CPD opportunities with Kathryn Wright, Lead Consultant for CPD4RE with Culham St Gabriel’s contact To find out more about the TEACH:RE Course contact

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