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LIGO-G060154-00-Z1 e2e modeling of seismic isolation S. Yoshida 1 and H. Yamamoto 2 1. Southeastern Louisiana University 2. Caltech LIGO.

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Presentation on theme: "LIGO-G060154-00-Z1 e2e modeling of seismic isolation S. Yoshida 1 and H. Yamamoto 2 1. Southeastern Louisiana University 2. Caltech LIGO."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIGO-G060154-00-Z1 e2e modeling of seismic isolation S. Yoshida 1 and H. Yamamoto 2 1. Southeastern Louisiana University 2. Caltech LIGO

2 LIGO-G060154-00-Z2 Motivation Status report on AdvLIGO e2e seismic models Study on table top yaw motion Outline Lock acquisition design in progress Angular instability is a major issue of AdvLIGO Table yaw source unidentified

3 LIGO-G060154-00-Z3 Status AvailableUnder development BSC (help needed!) - simple parameterized model -Full-Dimension model by Active SEI group - Impulse response confirmed - Low freq response not understood HAM (help needed!) - simple parameterized model - Soft HAM model by HAM SAS group Quad sus Triple sus (BS) Triple sus (MC) - State Space matrix w/ and w/o violin modes - Model structure damping

4 LIGO-G060154-00-Z4 freq (Hz) Displacement (ru) DAQ floor X at LLO HAM1 as gnd_x, gnd_y inputs AdvLIGO stage1&2_x, y and LIGO I BSC x, y (m/rHz) x45

5 LIGO-G060154-00-Z5 LIGO I HAM and ground/table Yaw y (v) x (u) Ground yaw = )( 2 1 x v y u      u G (y) u G (y+l) u T (y) u T (y+l) u G -u T xferv G -v T xfer )},(),({txvtyu ik G  )},(),({ 2 1 21 txviktyu  i  1 u(y,t) Table yaw = ik T1 u T (y,t) - ik T2 v T (x,t)  1  1  additional phase delay due to different u-u (v-v) transfer rate between north and south (east and west) k G (  ): measured at LLO West South North East i  2 v(y,t)

6 LIGO-G060154-00-Z6 Two scenarios for table Yaw Case 1: Yaw to Yaw + additional Yaw on table Ground Yaw OSEM Yaw X Y X Y X Y + Compare resultant SOS OSEM yaw with DAQ OSEM yaw Table Yaw Case 2: Yaw to Yaw only Ground Yaw X Table Yaw Ground u(y) Ground u(y+l) l Table Yaw Table u(y) Table u(y+l) OSEM Yaw

7 LIGO-G060154-00-Z7 Ground (base)table yaw models DAQ base pos signal created from L1:SEI-MC1_POS_H1_INMON, etc Base Y Base Yaw T-T  delay table Yaw-yaw xfer only table Yaw model Base X Sus point yaw in Yaw-yaw & T-T phase delay Yaw model OSEM Yaw out DAQ OSEM Yaw (MC1) L1:SUS-MC1_SUSYAW_INMON compare Case 1: Case 2:

8 LIGO-G060154-00-Z8 L1:SEI-pos_H sensors L1:SEI-MC1_POS_H1_INMON H3 H4 H2H1 X=(H1-H2-H3+H4)/4*cos30º Y=(-H1-H2+H3+H4)/4*sin30º Yaw=(-H1+H2-H3+H4)/4L L

9 LIGO-G060154-00-Z9 OSEM Yaw DAQ and e2e (1) HAM U-U/V-V (measured) at 2.3/2.8 Hz HAM U-U/V-V (measured) at 1.5/1.6 Hz SOS Yaw at 0.85 Hz Case 1 OSEM yaw Case 2 OSEM yaw

10 LIGO-G060154-00-Z10 OSEM Yaw DAQ and e2e (2) HAM U-U/V-V (theory) at 2.4/3.2 Hz HAM U-U/V-V (theory) at 1.5/1.8 Hz Case 1 OSEM yaw Table yaw x10 Base yaw x1 Case 2 OSEM yaw Base yaw x10 (X10 table/base input)

11 LIGO-G060154-00-Z11 e2e HAM1 table yaw & DAQ MC trans Yaw MC trans quad sensor for HAM table yaw monitor? Quad sensor MC Folding mirrors SM

12 LIGO-G060154-00-Z12 Acknowledgment SGW group for various advices Big thanks to - Brian Lantz for BSC SS matrix - Shyang Wen for ground signal Virginio Sannibale and Valerio Boschi for HAM model Mark Barton for SUS models NSF: PHYS-0354942 LLO: DAQ signals

13 LIGO-G060154-00-Z13 Thank you.

14 LIGO-G060154-00-Z14 Two scenarios for table Yaw Case 1: Yaw to Yaw + additional Yaw on table Gnd Yaw  Table yaw Gnd u at y north  Table u at y north Gnd u at y south  Table u at y south Gnd v at x east  Table v at x east Gnd v at x west  Table v at x west  table yaw due to   u-u south and u-u north u G (t+  t) u G (t) u T (t) u T (t+  t+  t’) y north y south  Total table yaw  table yaw due to   v-v west and v-v east Case 2: Yaw to Yaw only Gnd Yaw  Table yaw  Total table yaw Compare resultant SOS OSEM yaw with DAQ OSEM yaw accelerometer OSEM sensors E2e Stack box Accelerometer Signal input Pendulum transfer function OSEMsignal TABLE TOP MOTION TWO METHODS TO ESTIMATE TABLE MOTION Fig. 2 illustrates validation procedure X Y

15 LIGO-G060154-00-Z15 Ground & AdvLIGO BSC psd

16 LIGO-G060154-00-Z16 OSEM gain tests

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