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Developing EHC Plan Outcomes Learning from the Pathfinders and Partners Sally Smith- Trafford Council Laura Upton- Manchester Council & Shona Formby- Wigan.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing EHC Plan Outcomes Learning from the Pathfinders and Partners Sally Smith- Trafford Council Laura Upton- Manchester Council & Shona Formby- Wigan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing EHC Plan Outcomes Learning from the Pathfinders and Partners Sally Smith- Trafford Council Laura Upton- Manchester Council & Shona Formby- Wigan Council Thanks to Jo Harvey- HAS &Nicola Gitsham-PfA

2 Practitioners can be very good at measuring activities and processes, but less so at measuring whether people’s lives are improving

3 Personal goals-Outcomes These are the results or changes that individual disabled people and their families want to achieve. (Putting People First DH 2009) “The benefit or difference made as a result of an intervention” (Definition likely to be in new SEN Code of Practice 2014)


5 A Person Centred Outcome….. Is personal, not expressed from a service perspective Is something you have influence/control over Is measurable and specific All these make the outcome well formed

6 Developing Outcomes – Key questions to ask What do you want to do that you can’t do now? What support would you need to achieve it? Who is best placed to give you that support?

7 Does it keep something that is working (maintain)? Does it change something that isn’t working? Does it move towards a future that you want?

8 One of the main difficulties we have when developing outcomes is our tendency to embed the solution into the outcome.

9 A Solution ……. Is the resource you need to achieve your outcome It can be an item or an activity It can have a cost associated with it, or be free

10 When writing your outcome you may find it helpful to do the following….. Write your outcome as though it has already been achieved-it makes it more compelling Write it as positively moving towards something you want to achieve rather than away from something you want to avoid Top tips

11 If you got your outcome, what would it… Give you? Do for you? Make possible for you?

12 5 hours of speech and language therapy What would that:- Give you? Time with a speech therapist Do for you? Help me be more easily understood by my friends Make possible for you? Friendship Social activities Feel confident around other people

13 So what is the real outcome?…. I am understood by my friends and I can play with them at the after school club everyday.

14 So what possible solutions might there be? Speech and language therapy Help in the classroom including my friends Social activities outside of school Differentiated curriculum My friends learn my signs

15 Improving my communication skills To be understood To be included in social conversations at school To have my views listened to To not get so frustrated because people can’t understand me and don’t listen to me. For people to understand what I am saying, listen to my views and include me in conversations at school, so I don’t get frustrated because I don’t feel listened to.

16 Progress on challenges Long term? Focus on a phase of education/training or key stage Short term? Annual/12 months Other plans & targets -sit below this Age ranges- More pathfinder examples available-new info booklets Workforce Development –HSA/PfA/Surrey example-being developed further Guidance- Specific content pages in new Code of Practice

17 Challenges Agreeing meaningful person centred outcomes combining education, health and social care and still being able to say when the education ones are met Identify the provision carefully and clearly state who is responsible for delivering what - can be more than one agency to one outcome Monitoring and review-updating annually without formally reissuing the whole plan!

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