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-(e)s PRONUNCIATION 2nd of Bachillerato. -s is pronounced /s/ after fortis or voiceless consonants: p, t, k, f, th /θ/ helps, forgets, walks, chats *births.

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Presentation on theme: "-(e)s PRONUNCIATION 2nd of Bachillerato. -s is pronounced /s/ after fortis or voiceless consonants: p, t, k, f, th /θ/ helps, forgets, walks, chats *births."— Presentation transcript:

1 -(e)s PRONUNCIATION 2nd of Bachillerato

2 -s is pronounced /s/ after fortis or voiceless consonants: p, t, k, f, th /θ/ helps, forgets, walks, chats *births /z/ after lenis or voiced consonants, nasal consonants, r, l, vowels ans semi- vowels: b, d, g, v, th / ɗ /, m, n, ng/ŋ/, l, r, w, y /j/ joins, loves, calls, pays, begins, does

3 -es is pronounced /iz/ after the consonats: s, z, sh / ʃ /, ch / ʧ /, x, g / ʤ / mixes, dashes (tirar; defraudar), misses, changes, erases

4 ACTIVITY Classify the following Present Simple forms according to their pronunciation: looks, works, plays, catches, seems, washes, loses, sees, talks, runs, hears, interrupts, grows, teaches, keeps, is, marches, sings, jumps, rises, undresses, shows, eats, hangs, hugs, reaches, unearths, offends, opposes, wears, snows, switches, smiles, slams, rings, squashes, fixes, breathes, protests

5 ACTIVITY CORRECTION /s/: looks, works, talks, jumps, interupts, keeps, eats, unearths (desterrar), protests /z/: seems, shows, plays, is, runs, sings, hears, grows, sees, hugs, hangs, offends, snows, smiles, slams, rings, wears, breathes /iz/: marches, catches, washes, loses, teaches, rises, reaches, opposes, switches, squashes, fixes, undresses

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